• I was wondering if it would be possible to have a column with the number of plants you have beside each one and another column with how many you've had so that even if you have given away some plants they would be counted. It would also be nice to give an award of sorts to the person who gives away so many plants - maybe 25? The number doesn't matter so much, that's up to you. I would think this might increase activity on the forum and make the game a little more interesting. (I love it already - just thought of this idea!)

    It could look something like this (in case I don't make myself clear in the description):

    The "Have" would be how many you actually have in your garden right now and the "Total" would be how many you've had altogether. So, to find out how many you've given away you would just find out the difference between the two. I'm not sure what to do about those flower/plants which are trashed though. Maybe someone else could help me out with that?

  • I think that would actually crowd the list when someone has all colors of a particular plant, because the compendium lets you know what plants you have and in what colors. Once someone has say, all the colors of the Cyclamen or Tulip plants, that would look very crowded.

    Also, once you've given away any plant, why should that plant still be counted on your garden? Once that plant of out of your garden, it's not your plant anymore. This is not me shooting down your suggestion, I'm just asking a question ;)

    As to that awarding thing, this is just my opinion, but I think we should gift plants/flowers NOT with the idea of getting an award/reward, but because we have enough of that particular type/color and don't want to kill the plant, so we'd just give it away. When you make gifting of a plant become for a materialistic reason, it loses it's true gift meaning to me.

    Like I say, this is all just my opinion.

  • Oh, I didn't realize each color wasn't on its own line, so yes, I can see that it would crowd it some.

    It's not meant for having counting in your garden so much as a tally of how many you've had. I don't know, I'd like to know how many of each flower I've had, including those I've given away. A total.

    Well, people can gift it for whatever reason they like, but I see no harm in a little acknowledgment for those who give a lot. I can see how some people might give for that reason alone, but I don't think most people would. Do you?

  • At the moment there is no option to do things like that. But we have noted it an maybe we will add it after our big update which comes soon :)


    Momentan gibt es keine möglichkeit dies zu tun. Aber wir haben es uns notiert und vllt werden wir es hinzufügen, sobbald wir das bald kommende große Update fertiggestellt haben.