Just remembered to ask. Do seasonal/holiday seeds look related to their respective season/holiday or will I need to pay extra attention before adding a seed to my greenhouse?

Valentines Day seedlings watch!
They are easy to tell apart; you will be looking for (OOOH the wiki has fallen over....)
And around Easter, for Pussy Willow:
Use this link, https://wiki.flowergame.net/en/special_flowers to bring up the page showing the Special Flowers, it shows what the seeds look like, and the sprouts, before the grown plant. Also shows all varieties of the grown plant.
WOW - the wiki link at the top of the page doesn't work today, but at least your link works !
Can you get into regular plants too - I can't....
fuzzbucket Shadowlady thank you wonderful friends
They're in game!
Yep, just saw them. Grabbed my pots full.
I only need Hearts - and three of mine delivered bleeding hearts
Og well - I'll catch a few and ho[pe they are bred....
I was gonna send you a PM of what I have extra from previous years, but for some reason I can't.
BTW, since the wiki is MIA I thought I'd chime in that at Easter there are gold and red striped Easter eggs, too, that hatch into bunnies.
Other spring plants besides the eggs and pussy willow are the Witch Mushrooms for Walpurgisnacht (May Day eve, around the end of April/first of May) that look like a broom.
I hope whoever does the actual technical site administration for the Wiki notices that there's an issue. The error message looks like perhaps a simple typo causing havoc.
I alerted our boss, so he's at least aware. There are loads of complaints on the wiki boards. it seems to be to do with the fact that our regular plants have so many rows - there was an update recently.
I was gonna send you a PM of what I have extra from previous years, but for some reason I can't.
You should be able to now, I THINK - I've had messages from some people, so..... Also available around Easter are pussy willows.
Ah, so THAT's what the table error is on about. I thought perhaps it was a typo in the table coding (tables are easy to mess up, I'm old enough to remember when all websites were laid out in HTML tables before CSS came along and have had first hand experience pulling out my hair over SQL table data). Plus callbacks give me hives, LOL. Perhaps the table is over the size limit provided by the wiki software for its free tier.
froglady I find HTML tables easier to work with and I've had CSS available all the time I've been interested in coding. Everything just kinda goes where I expect it to. CSS complicates things a bit for me but makes prettier results.
Try these games to get you up to speed on CSS: CSS Diner and Flexbox Froggy. They'll help you understand how things work "under the hood" (technically called "CSS Hierarchy"). W3 Schools has some good lessons, but there's nothing like doing it yourself while playing a puzzle game to make it all stick.
HTML tables are usually OK for stuff like custom profile layouts on game sites, but if you want to write web pages you'll need CSS. Plus different browsers render tables differently, so what you see in Firefox isn't necessarily the same as what another sees if they're using Chrome, Edge, Opera, Brave, Safari, etc., whereas valid CSS will be pretty much identical in all of them.
Well it SEEMS to be working now....
Can you get into regular plants too - I can't....
I went into the Sitemap, and found the link to "Regular Plants" - https://wiki.flowergame.net/en/regular_flowers -
Yes - it seems to be fixed - for now; it has been going up and down like a yoyo !