I'm pretty new here and have pretty much nothing to do and no one to talk to with my 4 little seeds that seem to just be sitting in my greenhouse. So I wonder what you lovely people do while you wait on your flowers to grow. Name's Leena btw.
What else do you play ?
Dragcave.net. MANY of us here are hopelessly addicted.
Dragon Cave (addicted)
Xanje (addicted)
and a few more (german) don`t know if they are in english available
Glad to see another Xanje fan, Trillian!
For me it's Xanje, Final Outpost, Dragon Cave, and Magistream - in order of obsession. xD
I'm always either Pounces or PouncesSoftly for browser games.
I also play World of Warcraft and to a much less obsessive degree, Skyrim.
oh, i forgot, Outpost i play too !!
tell you the truth, Pounces, I play Xanje because of you. I was curious about what you were playing and used your hints to find the site. Since I like to collect everything, that was of course a mistake, now I'm going to collect everything I get and try everything out little by little
I've been playing Howrse and Horse World Online quite a bit for the last couple days and Trillian and Pounces, thanks for the introduction to Xanje.
If you don't mind bred pets, I can always help out with breeding some. I don't have a ton of the premium currency (red stone / Id's store) pets but Dawnquest101 runs a free breeding thread and she has everything.
I do have at least 1 pair of everything not a red stone pet though, and those I do have I'll also breed for the stone and potion to shorten gestation period.
Also if you have any questions, feel free to DM me - always happy to help out.
Dragon Cave, Magistream and Flight Rising.
I also play Magistream. Well just started really
Pounces = Thank you for your offer, if I don't know what to do next, I'll be happy to come back to it
BlaqueWidow & Bajka20 = I also played Flight Rising and Magistream, but stopped again, somehow it wasn't for me
I also play Dragcave, Merge Dragons, Wordplay, sometimes Solitaire.
I used to play Jigsaw, but then they up and changed their Terms and Conditions, and after reading them through I thought they were a bit weird, so I deleted the game. (Yees I am one of those people who actually reads the T&Cs) -
Shadowladyoh man I forgot about merge dragons and I don't think it's weird that you read the terms and conditions. I would but I can't read long walls of technical or legal text in a timely manner. I dissociate and end up rereading the same line over and over until I give up and move on to a different task.
Anyone heard of Dappervolk? I just discovered it yesterday (or the day before. all my days are the same) and it seems pretty interesting and cute.
Also is this the only plant game like this out there? I really enjoy caring for plants, probably more than animals/creatures but I can't find anything like this when I try to google it
Also is this the only plant game like this out there? I really enjoy caring for plants, probably more than animals/creatures but I can't find anything like this when I try to google it
Also very interested in this question. I've tried to find something similar but have failed to find anything even remotely like it.
Probably if you want to play Farmville on Facebook. I gave that up years ago, I like this game better because if you forget about your plants for a few months (yes I did this), when you remember to come back to them, they are still alive.
yeah... i remember Farmville. fun times but a little too time demanding for me for exactly that reason. i'm notorious for random, indefinite, unplanned breaks from things
I loved Farmville back in the day - my sister got me hooked on it! But I took something like a 6 month break from it and all my farms were reset to starters and they had all been fully expanded, my combine was gone that was the largest one .. all my trees that I had spent so much RL money on - gone (I was able to work back then) . ;o; lol, I never looked back. Fun times when I played, but so demanding of time with how crops rotted and such.
yeah... i was a kid so I never could spend money but I'd be devastated if that happened to me
I know it doesn't belong here , but I don't know what to do at the moment: I saw that some people here also play the final outpost... I can't get into the clicking page anymore, it's there something changed??