Posts by MiaSkywalker

    MiaSkywalker Not sure if we are going to publish this information. But if we implement proper seasons if someone is updating the wiki with that information it should hold true for years to come.

    Why not publish it? By not publishing it you are accomplishing three things.

    1. Those who are helping you will have the advantage in knowing when plants are available, while those who aren't involved will have a disadvantage. While this game is not a competition, it IS supposed to be relaxing and enjoyable, and that knowledge that there is a disparity in information is neither.

    2. It's going to frustrate people who are looking for particular plants to complete their compendium, or to work on a lineage. They'll hunt and hunt for particular seeds, yet have no idea that their hunt will be fruitless. Time will be wasted, when the knowledge that it's out of season would just have them work on something else instead for the time being.

    3. We will have no way of reporting if seeds aren't in the garden when they should be, because we won't know if they aren't supposed to be there at the moment, or if they aren't there because of a technical issue that's causing them to not drop.

    These are NOT advantages to the game at all, so I don't see that there's any reason to keep this information a secret.

    When you guys are done with it - or maybe while it's still in the works, if you implement it in parts - is there any way you could share with us what plants will be available/breedable at what times of the year? It would be useful for anyone who wants to work on breeding projects, or just wants to fill in spaces of different variants of particular plant types.

    Something like a chart that we all have at least read access to would be useful. Or maybe a forum thread with that information, as long as it can be kept updated as new plants are created.

    I can't say that I would be particularly useful in helping you out in this, which is why I didn't volunteer. I am known around here as having a "brown thumb", because I'm so bad at being able to keep plants alive. My mother is an avid gardener, but I'm hopeless when it comes to plants, so I have to admit that I'm not very good at paying attention to when different plants are in season. :)

    That's actually one of the reasons that I like Flower Game; these are some plants that I don't have to worry about having them die on me!

    A new egg release started last night / early this morning. I didn't know about it until I happened to see new eggs today, and I'm egg-locked. :(

    I hope some of you are able to get some. They still seem to be pretty common, so hopefully they'll be easy to catch for a while.

    Those gusties that accidentally got released last time are one of the release this time.

    I managed to catch the ones in the volcano area, then it seems that they stopped dropping before I had a chance to go for the others.

    Thank you for letting us know, Kintara! I just wish these initial drops would last longer than two or three hours.

    ETA: Looks like they're dropping again, and not getting taken too quickly now. Maybe TJ has decided to make it less frustrating for us. :)

    I guess the chat is useful. Too bad I'm too asocial to do chats. :)

    Those numbers make sense, and it means that just because you incubate it does NOT guarantee green, it just means that you have a chance at it.

    I usually don't incubate an egg until it has the big hole in it (is ready to hatch) and is under 5 days. That's what I normally do to clear out eggs so I can grab more. I don't do it when I'm not in a hurry, then I just wait until they have the big hole, and fog them until the time is right. Only problem with the latter option is that on occasion I might forget to unfog in time, particularly if there are other things going on in my life.

    It is time based for what I've been reading from the forum. Normal hatching gives blue, incubating gives green and hatching them with 3 days left gives purple. I could be wrong but that's what people in the release thread are writing :)

    Hm... I hatched one with under three days left, and now that it has matured, it appears to be blue. I'm not sure what went wrong there, or if maybe the numbers are off. Maybe we have to wait for under two days left? Or does it have to be EXACTLY three days left?

    ETA: Just checked the wiki, it has to be under two days, not three. Guess I'm going to have to fog them a bit longer. :)

    Oh, and since I incu-hatched mine, they're all green. Makes sense. I'll have to see what color my best friend's came out; she didn't incu-hatch hers.

    At least this gives us some control over it. I can see that I'm generally going to be fogging these until 3 days, since purple is my favorite color. :)

    ETA: My friend's just matured, and hers are all blue, so it definitely appears controllable. I like that; it will make lineages easier to create with them, since you can control the color of the dragons. (When you can't control the color, it just becomes frustrating, and I never bother to use those.)

    Yeah, but with the Zyus, coppers, and Pyrals the eggs themselves look different in each biome, so all players will know by sight which color the dragon will be. I don't know which ones are the other two, so I can't say. (I'm not very good with names of breeds.)

    What I meant is that eggs that look ALIKE of the same breed generally it doesn't matter the biome that they're found in to determine the color. You can tell right away what color a dragon will be by the color of the egg, except for a few, and those are not determined by biome, but are completely random.

    That said, I do think that these are biome related, as every single one of mine is the same color. I don't know how other players figured that out, since I can't see anything like that in the egg or hatchling descriptions, nor did TJ's post imply it that I could tell.

    Hm... it seems unlikely that the variant will depend upon the biome. He's never done that before, even with others (like the gemstones) where there are multiple variants. Usually the variants are random, which is why I never bother gendering eggs of those types, since I never know what variant they will be.

    Of course, it's possible that these will be that way, but just because the rumors are that they will, doesn't make that more likely than if there weren't rumors about it.

    I'm not too worried about possible variants. At least this way I know that they aren't any rarer than the other, and I figure I can pick up some of those eggs once the fuss has died down. We will know more about their rarity, of course, based on what price TJ gives them in the egg shop. And then, of course, it would be better to hope that the variant is random, or otherwise we will always be getting the same variant from the shop.

    I finally managed to catch 8, but it was really hard. I wasn't seeing any eggs at all in the alpine or coast areas at each 5 minute mark (I think they disappeared too fast), so the only way I could get the large ones was to go for forest. Even then I mostly saw the small ones; I think everyone was going for the larger more for some reason. Either TJ decided to make the larger ones uncommon or rare, or people just don't want pygmies.

    Finally ended up with 5 of the small ones and 3 of the large ones, and I'm pretty satisfied, although I would have liked to have gotten 4 of each.

    My best friend is having trouble catching any at all, but she often has trouble with these. She has a really slow internet connection, and that's just the way it is, unfortunately.

    It will only get harder in a few hours as more people wake up. I was so not expecting this, but it was a nice surprise. (Even though I had to abandon two uncommon eggs - oh well, I can find more of those!)

    Seven more trials, only normal male ferns.

    BTW, has anyone managed to get one of these marvel ferns from the wild this year? 1037015.png1037128.png Because if they are bred-only and we are unable to breed, that's no fun.

    I have both. The second I have one that I got from a wild seed, but the other I have three and they were all bred seeds from last year. It's entirely possible that the first one may be a bred-only variant, unless someone can tell us otherwise.

    Yep, I want a baked potato too, but until we find out how, I will try for other flowers.

    Now a question, how do I accept the flower?

    ETA Thanks for your generosity, and if necessary I have an open pot.

    You mean a baked potato from the potato plant seed, right? Only one person has ever gotten one, and it was only while we were playing a "pass the potato" game with that potato plant. We still don't know if the admins did it as a joke, or if that really is supposed to be the way to get one. The compendium does NOT show a question mark if you don't have one but have all the other variants, that's why I think it was just sort of a joke.

    Ohhhhh nope. buershi is my friend who also plays this game (advertised from me). She appeared occasionally in our experiment threads, but not very active... Exterminans hasn't done anything for that at all.

    It's not that hard to get all consecutive numbers since we are able to change the numbers from url links. So I just found a random one in wild garden, and changed the number to see if all those 8 numbers were available. Then send 4 links to buershi and kept 4 myself. We bred the second generation and third generation one by one together (when we're both online), so the offspring are also in continues numbers.

    At the end she gave the 3rd gen plant to me so I could breed them together to the 4th gen.That's why both two 3rd gens are in my garden. But if you check the previous plants are in buershi's garden.

    Oh, I see. Still, that would be very difficult to duplicate. Having 8 of the same breed of plant with numbers right in a row couldn't be a common occurrence. And then finding someone who is able to help you and coordinate things would also be very difficult, if your friend no longer plays.

    Oh, nice! For those who are new, there are two variants - one with a pink flower and one with a yellow flower:

    that can only be obtained by breeding. You breed Marvels with Male Ferns, not with other Marvels, so you will need at least one of those.

    Yeah, I was skimming the thread while people were speculating on it, hoping there would be a post from TJ. I wasn't too surprised by his post, although I wasn't expecting any specific answer. I'm glad it worked out the way it did; too many people had been egg-locked after the first two eggs dropped, and didn't have room for the third one. I feel bad for those who dropped eggs in order to get that one, when it sort of turned vapor-ware, but it was still the most equitable action he could have taken.