How to play the new mini game?

  • Hi! I've been playing the flower game off and on for quite a while - I like that someone has really taken the initiative to make something out of it! :D

    I just found this new game instead of the matching one and I have to admit, I don't know what I am supposed to do for it. :pinch: Can someone help me? Thanks! ^^

  • At the top is a half seen, unmovable tube. At the bottom a little tube looking over the playfield. These two points have to connect. Klicking on the tubes let rotate them. Plants and stones can't remove it is needless and impossible. The water starts when start and end are connected. Hint: You don't have to use all tubes, just searching the shortest way (or the way you find first ;))

    In der obersten Reihe ist ein halb zu sehendes Rohrstück, welches sich nicht bewegen lässt. Ganz unten schaut ein kleines Rohrende aus dem Spielfeld heraus. Das sind die beiden Punkte die miteinander verbunden werden müssen. Durch klicken auf die Rohrstücke werden sie um die eigene Achse gedreht. Ein verschieben der Rohrstücke ist nicht möglich. Pflanzen und Steine zu entfernen ist also unnötig und auch nicht möglich. Das Wasser startet sobald Start und Endpunkt miteinander verbunden ist. Hinweis: Es müssen nicht alle Rohrstücke verbaut werden, such einfach den kürzesten Weg (bzw den, den du als erstes findest ;))

  • Truelinor, the top pipe is ALWAYS half buried. If you find that half-buried pipe at the top, that's where you start. The bottom outlet pipes can vary on their location, sometimes it's over a stone, sometimes over a tuft of grass. The pipes have to be connected all the way to the bottom and can't be broken by rocks or grass in the middle of the play field.

    Hope I haven't confused you even more now :huh:

  • Thank you, calenlass. Yes, I found the top pipe, half buried like you said. I still couldn't not connect it. Today I have a different one and although I thought I got it connected, nothing happened. Is water supposed to start flowing? Here's a screenshot of what I did:

    I wasn't sure where the end (bottom) one was - is that one not it? ?(

  • Ohhh, I remember playing this particular field. The bottom pipe is that one I circled in red. I don't know how to attach screencap so I hope a normal attachment works here.
    The bottom pipe is not always at the same location, and forget about connecting any pipes that end at the sides of the field, your pipes connect to the side of the field so water will not have to connect the pipes all the way to the bottom

  • Um nochmal zu verdeutlichen, wie das Anfang und das Endstück aussieht, hier ein Bild.
    Vorsicht: Sowohl Anfangs als auch Endstück können auch an anderer Stelle auftauchen. Sie sind aber immer oben und unten am Spielfeld.

    A picture to show you start and end of the pipe. Hint: Start and end may appear elsewhere. But always on top and bottom of the pitch.

  • Thank you everyone for trying to help me out!!! I appreciate everyone's help!

    Just today I got it to work! I thought I had to go to over the little pond, not to the bottom! :pinch: LOL That was my problem. I got it today on the way to the side. LOL Now I know I think I'll be OK. Thanks again!!! :)

  • hilfe ich kann meine rohstücke nicht drehen, nix bewegt sich habe das spiel schon mehrere male neu gestartet aber hilf nicht, weis jemand rat?