Pflanzen Wachstum? Plants growing?

  • Hallo zusammen,

    ich dachte, daß meine Pflanzen heute keimen würden. Tun sie das nicht nach 4 Tagen? Ich habe sie immer gut gepflegt. Oder haben Pflanzen verschiedene Keimzeiten?

    I thougth, that my plants would grow today a little. Don't they usually grow after 4 days? I always took good care of them. Or do they have different times to grow up?

    Liebe Grüße,


  • Yes, they should sprout exactly after 4 days.
    This time is the same for all plant species.
    Are you sure they had maximum sun and water all the time?

    Edit: I can see 2 of them sprouted already ;)

    Please help them grow faster! Thank you! / Bitte hilf meinen Blumen, schneller zu wachsen! Vielen Dank!

  • hi ya! i was ask about same things a quite long time ago
    and what i heared is 3~4 water and little cloud's the best state to help them grow.
    then i did check peoples green house sometimes, but seems no one care about 3~4 water and little cloud things.
    and now, everyone say the best state is maximum water and sun.
    confused, is that changed or not?
    i remember that anser from one of admin, maybe he told about real plants :9 ? need ya help!

  • There is no such thing as the "old rule". I only said once, that full water AND sun is not necessary for a plant to grow at full speed, so that a plant would already grow as fast as possible even if it had only 4 drops of water or a single cloud left in front of the sun. Somebody missinterpreted that as "a flower won't grow with full speed if it has full water and sun" and spreaded a false rule.

  • aha! thanks
    so the 2 elements of growing is

    water drop
    fast(est)ly growable : full drops ~ 4 drops
    slowly growable : less than 4 drops
    ungrowable : dry

    fast(est)ly growable : sunniest ~ single cloud
    slowly growable : more than 1 cloud
    ungrowable : cloudiest

    is it right?

  • Thats a very rough estimation with some flaws, the actual formula is far to complex to guess. Also those elements can not be seperated from each other as they interfere.

  • Manchmal (viel zu oft) soll ich aufstecken, etwas verstehen zu wollen, noch dazu in Englisch. Was ich jetzt "verstanden" habe, drücke ich so aus:

    "Eine Pflanze wächst mit ab 4 Tropfen Wasser und mit höchstens einer die Sonne bedeckenden Wolke maximal."

    Ich hoffe, das war jetzt richtig.


  • rough? lol i never said that water-drops and weather can't influence each other, that even don't make sense

    "Eine Pflanze wächst mit ab 4 Tropfen Wasser und mit höchstens einer die Sonne bedeckenden Wolke maximal."
    ~google translation~
    "A plant grows from a maximum of 4 drops of water and with no more than a cloud covering the sun."

    so, what about these? right?

    water drop
    growable : full drops ~ 4 drops
    ungrowable : less than 4 drops ~ dry

    growable : no cloud ~ 1 cloud
    ungrowable : more than 1 cloud ~ cloudiest

    i just wanna organize the growing system cleary, in a word, for me, for other people. can i?
    well if you want to keep it mysteriously, i'll understand. maybe that will be better for fun?
    but the criterion is needed, like 'maximum waterdrops and sunniest weather is better than any other states.' or 'keep 4~5 drops and 0~1 cloud is same as maximum.'

    Edited 6 times, last by Forester (March 27, 2012 at 1:40 PM).

  • "Eine Pflanze wächst mit ab 4 Tropfen Wasser und mit höchstens einer die Sonne bedeckenden Wolke maximal."
    ~google translation~
    "A plant grows from a maximum of 4 drops of water and with no more than a cloud covering the sun."

    google translates without the last word. So it is wrong, trash. My translation:

    "A plant grows at most with 4 drops or more waten and with no more than 1 cloud covering the sun."


  • There is no such thing as the "old rule". I only said once, that full water AND sun is not necessary for a plant to grow at full speed, so that a plant would already grow as fast as possible even if it had only 4 drops of water or a single cloud left in front of the sun. Somebody missinterpreted that as "a flower won't grow with full speed if it has full water and sun" and spreaded a false rule.

    Es gibt diese "alte Regel" nicht. Ich habe nur gesagt, dass volle Wassertropfen UND maximale Sonne nicht unbedingt nötig ist, damit eine Pflanze wächst. Also würde eine Pflanzen auch schon so schnell wie möglich wachsen, wenn sie nur 4 Tropfen Wasser oder eine Wolke vor der Sonne hätte. Jemand hat das falsch interpretiert und heraus kam "eine Blume wächst nicht mit voller Geschwindigkeit wenn sie volle Sonne und Wasser hat" und so entstand die falsche Regel.

  • yea google trasnaltion isn't perfect esp when the other language have other root of language, it's worst. (and every translation has same problem.) but somehow gt works at least for english. and turn german into english? isn't that badly i mean, even german and eglish are same as different (it seems so. when i beggin learn german, i thought it would be easy couse i can speak english a little bit and i knew few german songs, and some words of that heared verry similar to english. so i expect that. but german isn't that easy to me and seems not that alike german and english, as more and more I get to know, aw.), if fact has same root(germanic languages - indo-european languages) so just one word disappeared and other words and word-orders are safe lol! but gt for diff root? it's a creation, sometimes create totally diff saying.
    well, for that reason when i need some traslation and that language haven't same root of korean, i use gt with english. for a word to a word, gt is fit for use. (but have to check it out like this way; a word -> traslate into english or more languages with gt or more sraslate programs - >traslate that english or some languages into the first language again -> if it's right or not anyway search the mean as i can -> and compare it)

    anyway thanks that you letting me know that verry cleary.

    Edited 6 times, last by Forester (March 28, 2012 at 2:27 AM).

  • Hai. Also, ich hab das Problem, dass meine Pflanzen jetzt seit ca. 3 Monaten nciht ein Stück gewachsen sind, obwohl sie 2 mal pro Woche voll Sonne und Wasser haben. Was mach ich nur falsch!? O.o

  • Hai. Also, ich hab das Problem, dass meine Pflanzen jetzt seit ca. 3 Monaten nciht ein Stück gewachsen sind, obwohl sie 2 mal pro Woche voll Sonne und Wasser haben. Was mach ich nur falsch!? O.o

    I would say twice a week isn't often enough to tend your garden so they will grow. I water the plants in my garden daily or every other day if I get busy.

    Quote from Google translate

    Ich würde sagen, zweimal in der Woche nicht oft genug, um Ihren Garten neigen, so dass sie wachsen. Ich Wasser die Pflanzen in meinem Garten täglich oder jeden zweiten Tag, wenn ich viel zu tun.