Posts by Clara

    The new biome feature is pretty cool c: You can steal names for your dragons? To be honest, that's going to be a bit of a pain... can you get them back or somehow prevent them from being stolen by any chance? Although I guess its better than just losing all your names after being inactive for a while.

    Thank you - it's the Heart of Valentine's flower pot.

    Not sure what you mean by clickable growing flowers. Do you mean that you want to be able to click on different flowers in the bouquet and go to their page? If so, then I think that might take a little more doing. I would have to slice the image and then put it in a table with the links around each one - not sure if it would turn out right or not. Maybe I can get some time to try and figure it out some time soon. :)

    Yeah, that's what I meant, it'd be great if that was possible :D

    I seem to have heaps of the snail mushrooms but I can't seem to get any greens or blues. I'm still hoping the ones I have left growing will be those types though :)

    I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. I think the reason they get so strict with rules is because there are lots of little kids under the age of 13 who play and they don't want them to see anything bad on the forums. And that's funny. Both you and Shelybear said you don't like the dogs, and yet, they're the most popular and that's why most people stay... It's not why I stay, either, but who knows. xD

    I guess the reason I've stayed is because a lot of my IRL friends play and I like the people there. I mean, there's some bad apples, sure, it's like that on every big forum, but there's nice people there that I've associated with that keep me coming back. :)

    Yeah, that's probably why. Believe it or not I've never met anyone who has said that the dogs are their favourite pet on there but I expect some people must like them. What's your favourite pet on there? :3

    I know what you mean, I've never had anyone be particularly rude to me on there before, the only time I've encountered problems on DC with a user has been when my computer crashed and somebody bred me an egg but wouldn't hold it for me for longer than 7 hours, so dropped it into the ap. When I explained why I couldn't claim it, the user started ranting at me that I should have found another computer to access instead, refusing to ever breed me anything again :c To be honest though, I've found the Dragon Cave mods nicer than mods on this other virtual pet website, 'Chicken Smoothie'. I wouldn't recommend that website to anyone...

    Awww how could I forget that! That's what Exterminans has done for EATW, right?
    That would be a great idea. ;) I never used that set. Will it generate views as well? Can it be able to be clicked on individually?

    It doesn't generate views and has only one link to my scroll, it just displays any growing dragons I have :) It would be nice if it could generate views too, but I don't know how you'd be able to do that.
    That flowerpot is adorable, Tru! c: Would it be possible to make one that showed clickable growing flowers?

    There seems to be seven, two bred-only and five bred and available from the wild garden,

    Thanks! :3 I'm glad we have extra time now, I'll be able to breed my mushrooms when they grow up to get some of the breed-only variants.

    So far I haven't seen any bred mushrooms in the wild garden. All the mushrooms I have are parentless which is a shame. When they've hatched I'll see if I can find some though :3