• Now I'm really curious how it all works.
    Does anybody know what exactly are the limits for interacting? A while ago one could interact every 12 hours, but this has been changed.
    I think now we have a limit per specific plant and a limit per user, but I'd love to know more details!

    Please help them grow faster! Thank you! / Bitte hilf meinen Blumen, schneller zu wachsen! Vielen Dank!

  • Now I'm really curious how it all works.
    Does anybody know what exactly are the limits for interacting? A while ago one could interact every 12 hours, but this has been changed.
    I think now we have a limit per specific plant and a limit per user, but I'd love to know more details!

    I don't know. I'm not being allowed to water some plants that definitely need it, but I am others. Perhaps I already clicked them today.
    Now this is a wild guess, and I haven't been counting, but could the number of plants we have to click be 42?
    I just got the 2nd Post Pixie. ;) ;)

  • It's difficult and will most likely change slightly in the next 1-2 months.

    First of all, you can only interact once every 12 hours with a specific plant, this limit is in place for all types of interaction. Watering and extra sun actions are only available for plants / gardens where the requirements are fulfilled by less than 75%.
    Growth bonus is available for seeds and sprouts, but only once every 24 hours and only for the owner of the plant.
    There are another two possible bonuses which are also available every 12 hours if no other bonus would be applicable, but they are not accessible yet.

    There is also a limit of 24 actions per day and garden for other peoples garden, this limit counts all interactions from all gardens. For your own garden, the limit is raised to 36 interactions, so you are guaranteed to be able to interact at least 12 times per day with your own plants. If you choose not to accept help, you can even use up to all 36 interactions. You are also limited to a total of 36 actions, both for plants in your own and other peoples garden, this is enforced in several ways.

  • Thanks Exterminans! That's really a bit complex (not to say complicated) :D
    Now my questions is: Are we having a new event now? Or is it a permanent feature that is going to stay?
    Either way, it's really fun :D

    Please help them grow faster! Thank you! / Bitte hilf meinen Blumen, schneller zu wachsen! Vielen Dank!

  • Hi Lori! This is a very unique event, I think. I've got a towel so far. (Yes, I read why the towel.)

    Not sure I understand everything you said, Exterminans. Oh well, I'll just click around and see what happens. :thumbup: