• Ok, so if this is a place where I can introduce myself...


    I'm relatively new to the game - my first bunch of seeds will sprout tomorrow, I think. I'm 37 years old, live in Germany and have two sons, almost 5 and almost 7^^ I stumbeld over this game via Dragopncave, and I love garneding, Roses and, well, all plants, and I'm working in environmental/ecological education (if this is the right term in englisch - ,Umweltbildung/Umweltpädagogik), so this seems to be the adoptable site for me^^ If you want to know more, just ask ;)

    <- help them grow, please?

  • Solange ich noch nicht draußen gärtnern kann, auf jeden Fall :D

    Genau - wie ist das eigentlich - Umgangsprache deutsch oder englisch?

    <- help them grow, please?

  • Welcome at Flowergame.

    Many people here write in english, because there are many non-german-speaking people here. But if anybody has problems writing in English or one has no time to translate right away, German is just fine. If there's need to translate a post, some users are eager to help with it.

    Viele schreiben hier Englisch, weil viele kein Deutsch sprechen. Aber wenn jemand mit dem Englischen Probleme hat oder gerade keine Zeit zum Übersetzen hat, geht Deutsch ganz klar auch immer. Wenn ein Post für alle übersetzt werden muss, gibt es immer User, die dabei helfen.


  • Thank you for the welcome, everyone :)

    Yes, I like very much the non-competitiveness - as far as I can see. I like it that I can raise the plant I'd like to raise when I have a pot free for it without competing with thausends of players for one single super rare seed^^ So when I like to raise a rose I'm pretty sure to find it (rather sooner then later) without having to worry wether I can ever get one^^ I hope my first impression doesn't decieve me there :P

    <- help them grow, please?