• I'll write it right here so everyone will know (if they don't).

    First of all, you need to know how to take a screencap. You just have to press the key on your keyboard and it will copy your whole screen. That is alright, but unless you have a photo editing software like GIMP or PhotoShop or PaintShopPro, you will have a large picture with everything, not just the Atrium.

    If you are using firefox or chrome and want an advance way, then get this addon: http://pixlr.com/grabber Then all you have to do is right click any where on the screen, go to "Grab" and chose the option you want. I usually chose "Grab a defined area" which then brings up a cropping box that you can position wherever you want (around your Atrium). After clicking "Crop" you then have four options: Edit, Share, Download, or Copy. I usually Download it to a folder I've named "flowergame" and then upload it to my photobucket account. You don't have to use photobucket.com - any photo sharing site will do.

    Hope that helps! ^^

  • Ich habe in jemandes Garten eine Nixe im Brunnen gesehen. Die ist ja toll! Wie kommt man denn an die ran?

    Eine Nixe im Brunnen? Das war kein direkter Atrium-Link. Kannst mal das Atrium-Thubnail in meiner Sig anschauen. Der Täter heißt Gimp. Ich verwende allerdings nur Objekte von Flowergame incl. ein paar Spiegelmontagen usw. Ab und zu aktualisiere ich. Aber es wird eng und immer schwerer.


    A mermaid in the well? That was no direct an atrium link. You can look sometimes at the Atrium-Thubnail in my Sig. The culprit calls Gimp. However, I use only objects of Flowergame incl. a few reflecting assemblies etc. Now and again I update. But it becomes narrow and will be heavier.


  • Also eigentlich wartet die schon seit letztem Sommer darauf, dass sie endlich jemand entdeckt :P

  • *ganz doll schuldbewusst sei*. Nixen sind nicht einfach da. Denn dann wären sie ja überall. Nixen wollen entdeckt werden. :S


    *totally really conscience-stricken be*. Mermaids are not there simply. Since then they would be everywhere. Mermaids would are discovered. :S


  • Not one at a time, Aztekior - I saved the web page and it got all the images in one fell swoop! ^^ I still have not designed it because when I opened all of them, it was over 600 images! :pinch: That seems like a LOT. Maybe I misread it and it was only 60? IDK. :wacko: ) Which took a LONG time to deal with all of them. One day, perhaps. :rolleyes:

    I feel so terribly lost when everyone starts speaking in German. ;( What's being said? ?(

    Edited once, last by truelinor (April 18, 2012 at 5:07 AM).

  • Lorimmel found the cute little mermaid in exterminans atrium , Elfenblüte speculated if he is trying something for an event in the future. I said i hope so becaus the mermaid is really cute. Exterminans said then that the mermaid is waiting to be found since last summer. I meant: now that she is found if she could visit us maybe the next few months?. And Aztekior was a really good boy and translated his post by himself.

    I hope you are now with us, tru. Sorry that we sometimes forget translating our posts.

    Lg, D'Angelline

    Please help them grow!! :thumbsup