A new beginning | Ein neuer anfang

  • I am very happy to announce that I have found a new artist who creates amazing artwork for the game (you might have already spotted some of the new content ;)). However, since I wasn't able to find anyone that produces some art on the side I am paying her. A new flower is around 75-100 USD. Unfortunately, our ad revenue never was great. So I've decided to try something new.


    Ko-Fi is a platform where you can support this game (all the money collected there goes primarily into new flowers and leftovers will be added towards the server cost). As a thank you advertising will be disabled for you. I hope we can find some people willing and able to support this project in the long term and create a consistent revenue stream to finally grow this game again.

    Please do not hesitate to reach out of you have any questions about this step. Should we not get enough supporters new content will be super slow as I can't afford a full-time artist, unfortunately.


    Ich freue mich sehr, euch mitteilen zu können, dass ich einen neuen Künstler gefunden habe, der fantastische Kunstwerke für das Spiel erstellt (vielleicht habt Ihr bereits einige der neuen Inhalte entdeckt ;)). Da ich jedoch niemanden finden konnte, der nebenbei Kunst produziert, bezahle ich sie. Eine neue Blume kostet etwa 75-100 USD. Leider waren unsere Werbeeinnahmen nie großartig. Deshalb habe ich beschlossen, etwas Neues auszuprobieren.


    Ko-Fi ist eine Plattform, auf der Ihr das Spiel unterstützen können (das gesamte dort gesammelte Geld fließt hauptsächlich in neue Blumen und der Rest werden auf die Serverkosten angerechnet). Als Dankeschön wird die Werbung für Dich deaktiviert. Ich hoffe, dass wir einige Leute finden, die bereit und in der Lage sind, dieses Projekt langfristig zu unterstützen und eine beständige Einnahmequelle zu schaffen, um dieses Spiel endlich wieder wachsen zu lassen.

    Bitte zögert nicht, uns zu kontaktieren, wenn Ihr Fragen zu diesem Schritt haben. Sollten wir nicht genügend Unterstützer bekommen, werden neue Inhalte sehr langsam sein, da ich mir leider keinen Vollzeitkünstler leisten kann.

  • Great news!! Even if the new content is slow, this is exciting :) I got the new seed and can't wait to see what it looks like as it grows!

    Once I budget my money for the new month, I'll see if I'm able to contribute right away. If not, I will as soon as I'm able. I truly enjoy the pace and atmosphere of this game and would like to support it!

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  • fuzzbucket what do you mean by Paypal is not ok? I believe it should allow you to use credit card or Paypal?

    And thank you to everyone that is considering helping out. Any money we collect will go directly back into the game. The more we have the more we can do (like creating new mini-games etc)

    I never use credit cards for recurring subs on line and the like; I use paypal. At the moment I am in Canada, and paypal will only let me in when I type in a code sent to my home phone. Which is in the UK and not immediately accessible, to put it mildly. I cannot begin to tell you how much I hate two factor ID - I have trained all but one of my credit cards to send codes by email, but not paypal, oh no ! It's nobody's fault but paypal, who aren't OK with evil clients who have the nerve to travel but I WILL subscribe !


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  • It is my adopted home country too, but I am dual national (I took citizenship the moment I could !) and have to live in the UK most of the time. I never wanted to return, but life meant that I had to :( But we have homes in both.


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