Posts by Liverleaf

    I am in the same boat as StarBoy. I still log in pretty much every day, play some games to keep the sunlight strong, and check the online users -- I click their growing plants so they can get a little sun and water (sometimes I even get to bend some branches or water some plants.)

    It looks like today I'll be checking in more than once. I am also on the lookout for the eggies🐰

    StarBoy I have this one I can trade you: 1120016.png

    I need Christmas Star variant 4 (the frozen looking one) if you can part with one of those. If you are interested, please send me a private message to trade😊 (I think the option is called "create conversation")

    The transparency is properly showing now! Awesome.

    But the quality seems off, same as before... which is weird because if you open the image it looks good quality same as all the other images in the page.

    I think that's expected actually, because all of the seed images are a little shrinked when placed on the page, for some reason. When you open them they're totally fine, it's just when inserted into that table. Which in turn is weird as well because the sprout and adult images aren't shrinked at all.

    In conclusion -- it's looking good now, on par with the rest of the page. Thanks once again💐

    Thanks fuzzbucket for adding the image! I have a better quality one to upload (still no wiki access for me yet):

    (What I did was go to one of my Pussy Willows and get the image url from the embed code. I accessed the url in my browser and saved the image, which gave me the original quality with transparency.)

    You can tell if there's any variants by checking the Compendium after you have at least one plant grow up. If there's any undiscovered variants, a "?" shows up. This is my first time getting these so I can't tell yet🌼

    I seem to be having a problem logging in... Every time I try to, it's like the game automatically logs me out! I can't take care of my plants.
    I tried manually logging out, but while it tells me I succesfully logged out, I still can't log in. I tried clearing my cookies and caché but the same problem persists. I also tried to log in from a different computer (Both computers are desktops, by the way), to no avail. I still haven't tried using a different browser (Been using Google Chrome, but might try IE). Is anyone else having this issue? Is it not my computer, but the game that is not working? Thanks a lot for any replies c: