Posts by SnowPlow

    Isn't the clover a St. Patrick's Day plant?

    Thank you all for your input! So, correct me if I am wrong, but I take it when you breed two plants, say, two blue ones, you could end up with a different color than the parents? Is that right?

    From my experience, yes. Although I breed my saintpaulias often (always the blue ones) and have gotten only blue ones for the last few times, so maybe it's more likely to be the same color as its parents?

    Oh wow, I'm really bad with trying to figure things out. I tried to cheat and looked at your seed but no parents there. Drat! Hmmm, maybe breeding Lucky Clover with Tulip??

    Edit: Forgot to say, thank you for the new Bleeding Heart seed. And HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, everyone :love:

    I tried that with Nisha, too XD
    Just think about Saint Valentine, if you know the story...If not, try to look it up. That should help.

    I'm very curious as to how you "respect the rites of valentines day" ...Maybe you must breed two pink flowers together? Or maybe it has to do with tulips because they sound like "two lips"?
    Or maybe you breed holiday flowers to get them?
    I' m sehr neugierig hinsichtlich wie Sie " respektieren Sie die Riten von Valentinsgrüße day" … Möglicherweise müssen Sie zwei rosafarbene Blumen zusammen züchten? Oder möglicherweise bezieht es Tulpen, weil mit ein sie wie " klingen; lips" zwei;? Oder möglicherweise züchten Sie Feiertagsblumen, um sie zu erhalten?

    Wow! I hope mine turns out like that! I'm sure the people in the thread who are collecting pictures of all forms of the plants (in site discussion) would like to see it, but that's up to you. I really doubt there's anything wrong with it, probably just the maker of the site's sense of humor.

    EDIT: I just realized, you already posted there XD

    That's interesting. It's probably on of the alternate versions. I'm not sure...Still, it sounds really cool! If you can, do you think you could post a picture? I'd like to see, and I'm sure other people would, too. (I really doubt there's anything wrong with it.)