Posts by MiaSkywalker

    I go under KagomeShikon on Dragon Cave. My only request is either roses, or any purple flowers. I love purple of all shades - lavender, royal purple, lilac, violet, fuscia... it's my favorite color. :)

    My vase is actually pretty stuffed. My best friend and I have been sending flowers to each other every few minutes, so it looks pretty chaotic. For whatever reason, the two of us are finding it very amusing. :)

    I wasn't here last year, but the VDay plant sounds pretty cool. Can someone please breed last year's plant for me if possible? I would appreciate it immensely. Thank you so much to the staff and artists who are in charge of each plant and event.

    I think you're thinking of sites like dragon cave. Unfortunately it doesn't work quite the same way here. When we breed the previous years' plants, we have a random chance of getting any previous year's plants, or one from the current year, but we don't know what the adult will be until it is fully grown. The seeds are all the same, and no way to know what the adult will be like in the end.

    Your best bet will be to do trades at the end of the growing season, to trade for what you don't have with extras of what you do. Some people are kind and will give away extras, but I think that will be less likely with these than with other holiday plants, because the number you can get of these is more limited.

    Depends upon how long the event lasts. We only get one or two of the special plants during the event itself. I have six bleeding hearts currently growing; the first set should be able to breed at the beginning of the season, and the last three will certainly be available at the end of the season. If the mods make the season last two or three weeks, they will even get a few chances to breed each. :)

    It's a good idea to start collecting bleeding hearts from the garden right now, especially if you have some of previous years' flowers. In the past, you had a tiny chance of getting a Valentine's flower from the mating of two bleeding hearts, and a big chance of getting one from mating a Valentine's plant with a bleeding heart. So if you want more than the one flower that you get for "free", you might want to have some bleeding hearts to breed for backup. :)

    When I started to read your post, I thought, "Lots of people lurk." Some people are shy, others are insecure, some feel they just don't have anything to say, etc. But when you mentioned that some just have links to spam or porn sites, I was surprised. Isn't there a captcha or something when we sign up to prevent bots from creating accounts here? That doesn't always work, but it's better than not having one.

    I agree, it is a little odd having a bunch of meaningless profiles like that. We have a nice, friendly community here, and if spammers start posting it will be terrible.

    To me there appears a solution which is actually even simpler than introducing a new zone (which most players would either missinterpret or just ignore). Instead of picking up the seed by clicking on it, you would be redirected to the detail page of the seed first. You then had the chance to inspect the seed (and possible lineages / previous owners), before actually picking up the seed.
    Any objections?

    This is a good idea as well. The only problem is that implementing it might not be as simple as it seems. It may not work the same in all browsers; it may not work at all if someone has either pop ups or javascript disabled, depending upon the method used to implement. It IS more elegant and simpler for new players in the long run, but I'm just pointing out (and playing Devil's advocate, for a moment) that it may have problems for a few. Which can probably be worked around by those few, but just saying...

    Since when do people only act in a way that makes sense? :D

    Yeah, the Travelling Tulip game was fun! Maybe we should mount an expedition looking for the lost tulip... let's send others to follow its path! ;)

    Unfortunately, as she said it is now in a garden of someone who no longer plays. Could be a situation where the person has no control over it. :( I think we'd need to simply start a new one. I never had the chance to join in the last game, but I think it would be fun. :)

    No. What you all do, so it makes me happy. Original so I tryed to give a suggestion. Not having stupid right and *point*. You all are using oriantation and communication. So it will help. And... each one could realize his own plan without tangenting all the others. Yes, so it makes happy. :love:

    Actually, I do understand you. I also agree with your main point (on the other thread) that people shouldn't breed the event plants at the beginning of the season. At the end is fine; then everyone can get seeds even after they are no longer in the wild. At this point, if someone didn't get a variant they wanted (I still don't have one of the new ones, but I have 6 more plants growing, so here's hoping!), they still have a few more chances. Bred, true, but still chances!

    A quick summary for the English-only speakers.

    Aztekior defended the right to trash. His own experience was that at the beginning of some event he abandoned his non-event plants and then picked up some seeds from the wild garden One of those was bred and so he trashed it - there is no limitless abandoning and he did not want a bred variant so he did not have much choice. He even considers the breeding and abandoning of event plants rude and thoughtless, when it is done at the beginning of an event period. If he could not trash he would be forced to play the way others want hom to instead of his own way.

    I see what he's saying here. Yes, I agree with him; I don't like it when people breed event plants at the beginning of the event, either. At that point I prefer parentless, and if I got a bred one I would be a bit annoyed. I only breed event plants at the END of the event, when the wild ones will no longer be generated, so anyone who wants an event plant will need to take a bred one. At that point, a player can't be picky; if he/she still wants an event plant, the player has to take what he gets.

    Others have reminded him that he connot tell the rest of the players how to play just so his own needs are fit perfectly and so he would just have to live with getting an abandoned plant now and then as well as others will have to live with their seed being trashed.

    That is true too. I am always a bit saddened when an event seed that I bred for the wild in order to be NICE to other people gets trashed, particularly if it's an event plant that can ONLY be gotten bred. (Such as the christmas stars.) I've had some of my released Christmas Stars get trashed before, and I was a bit peeved; if someone was going to trash it, why even pick it up? Was the person just wanting to prevent someone else from getting it? Why not gift it on the gifting thread instead of trashing it, if you don't have the abandon option? It was an EVENT plant, after all! So you can see why someone who is trying to do others a favor can get a little upset at someone else trashing the plant, no?

    Basically Aztekior supports a nursery as it allows different playing styles without much interference. As an alternative he suggets a mouse-over function wher you can tell what plant you'll get before picking it up. Urusta described a way to do this very thing within the existing system (get plant number, copy into another plant's page) but Aztekior condemns that as too complicated.

    I know about Urusta's method, but I've never used it, because I agree with Aztekior; it's too complicated to want to do for every seed.

    A thing worth translating however ist Nephele's post:
    "What I don't get is: the game does not make any distinction between bred and parentless seeds, the only difference being that some have a family tree to look at and others haven't. It should, therefore, not matter if the seed you pick up is bred or parentless. If anything, the bred variant should be more desirable as ist is, in several instances, the only way to get a specific variant."

    It's just a matter of preference. To some it doesn't matter, but to others it does. To me it doesn't really matter so much, but I've seen many people who want a plant with "parentless parents", or which is parentless itself. I generally PREFER parentless; it just feels more that the plant is mine, without any interference from anyone else.

    On the other hand, it's kind of fun to have a plant with a "history" as well. Wasn't there one plant being gifted around from one person to another, to specifically have a really long gifting history?

    I personally don't need a nursery as I dont mind long plant histories and like a plant with a nice family treed as a surprise from the wild garden. If I wanted to avoid that at all costs I'd use Urusta's method as I realize that trashing might offend the breeder.

    Honestly, if there was a nursery as well, most people will probably use the wild garden, and be glad that they don't have to worry about the parented seeds. So in a way it's a way to get rid of seeds from the garden permanently, which is a little sad, but better than them getting trashed. On the other hand, it's also a way for people to know where to look for the event seeds that others breed and deliberately abandon for people, when they are unable to find them in the wild. Also this way people won't end up trashing the "bred only" varieties that they see in the wild, not REALIZING that they are breed only variants. And... for those who DO like a history (which sometimes I do), it's a place to go to find seeds that DO have a history to them.