Posts by Elixir

    Wird der Wiki-Zugang gelöscht, wenn man sich länger nicht eingeloggt hat, Aztekior?

    Nevermind, ich hab versucht mich im deutschen Wiki anzumelden, habe aber nur eine Anmeldung im Englischen *lol*

    edit: Added the missing sun parts in the English wiki.

    Translation of Nephele's post:
    <Small note>

    As it's often the case: Life is the thing that can jumble your plans very hard.
    And sometimes your plans are disturbed in such a manner, right before you reach your goal, that the only thing you can do is to grimace and think "WHAT was that now?!"

    Like everytime there should have been a nice reward at the end of the event. Something of that kind, which is a lot of work for the grafic designer behind the game. And it's this reward I have been caught on. Just the things that always come at the end of the whole work: some texts, some planning effort.
    But now the RL striked on me: A good acquaintance talked me round to have an exhibition with her and another know Berlin artist at the end of the season. This is actually a good idea, but on the other hand it's a great deal of work, especially because my Co-exhibitor is a real artist: (not sure in which context this is meant, either he's a bit confused or has not very much time).
    So I'm now having three construction zones: Flowergame, the exhibition and my minijob (which at least is a bit helpful, because I can get the boards I need for the exhibion sawed there).
    I approached the topic sagas & fairytales. When we have taken pictures of the exhibited pictures, I'll post the contents of the exhibion here at the forums. For everybody who is near the Harz (a region in the middle of germany) here's the adress of the exhibion:
    Rathausscheune Sankt Andreasberg (Oberharz)
    vom 13.10 bis 3.11.2012

    Given that I've not gone insane before ;)

    Welcome at Flowergame, Bluedragon.

    I guess you mean the pots in your greenhouse. You can only have three pots each for seeds and for germ buds. So if you just started, you only have three pots with seeds. When those grow to germ buds you can fill another 3 pots with seeds again. That's how people have more than 3 pots. I hope this was helpful.

    The only thing you can do for other's plants is to visit them once in 24 hours. They will gain a small amount of water+ sun with each visit even if this is not visible.
    You don't have options for watering and removing the clouds like in your own garden.

    Also wir werden den Event aufjedenfall eine Weile laufen lassen, da er ja diesmal nicht an einen festen feiertag gebunden ist, sondern eher an die Jahreszeit - auch wenn hierzulande der Sommer sich ja bisher ziemlich geziert hat. Die Wetterlage die in Deutschland in den letzten Wochen herrschte ist sogar ein klein bisschen dem Event anzumerken. 8)


    Well, we will let the event run some time. It's not bound to a holiday, but to the season - even if the summer has not shown that much yet. The weather situation even seemed to influence the event a bit 8)

    I think we should put the two threads about the Chat together. It would be better to have all discussion in one thread.
    Could the mods please merge the threads?


    Ich finde, wir sollten die beiden bestehenden Threads über den chat zusammenfügen. Es wäre besser alle Informationen/Diskussionen in einem thread zu haben.
    Könnte ein Mod das bitte zusammenfügen?

    Der Chat an sich basiert nicht auf Flash. Er verwendet die neueste Übertragungstechnologie. Sollte diese aber im Browser nicht verfügbar sein versucht er über Flash sich mit dem Chatserver zu verbinden. Um das Problem zu umgehen werde ich dies erst mal deaktivieren.

    The chat itself don't base on flash. It is using the newest connecting technology. But if the browser doesn't support this it has a flash fallback to connect to the Chatserver. So to avoid the problem with flash i will disable the flash fallback.

    Now it works in Opera, too. No more issues with the display.

    Opera (version 12) hat ein generelles Problem mit dem neuen Adobe Flash Plugin. Opera zeigt mir im Moment nichtmal Youtube richtig an (echt nervig). Das liegt also nicht an eurem Chat.
    Daran liegt es wohl: