Posts by tawanda

    I have a brand new one that just gave it's first shimmer (traded for an opal), one that has only given fails, and two that are mated to CB golds, given no eggs. Not exactly going great guns, today I bred 9shimmers and only got 1 shimmer egg, they seem to be more stingy each week.

    Actually Blobber I think you probably picked a good time to start hunting. I've been on vacation for the last two releases, so like a lunatic I stayed up for the releases, determined to 'get mine', lol. Both times I was completely unable to grab a single thing until around 3 or 4 hours after the after the first drop (about the same time you started hunting) when all the fast people were finally locked and gone.
    I think for the next one I might save myself the headache and just set my clock to get up early instead of staying up all night and spending hours wildly frustrated and raging at measly 2 second long drops, so I'll be the one getting up at 5AM, yikes!

    I think that because TJ gets them automatically, he doesn't understand it from the POV of someone who has to fight with a crappy internet connection, limited hours on the computer, etc. Or maybe he just doesn't care.

    I think it's a little bit of both. When he did that thing with making Java Script required and made some sort of silly statement about testing it out on different simulated systems or whatever, it was pretty clear that he doesn't really have much of an idea what some of us deal with on old systems, lousy connections, etc. And that in spite of numerous complaints he apparently has his own reasons for ignoring what we try to tell him.
    This month also seemed a lot harder than last month so maybe this is just one more thing TJ is messing with and changing up without bothering to tell people about it. It's very frustrating.
    There have been a number of interesting posts in the release thread, and some mention of maybe bringing ideas for a different way to handle new drops to the suggestion forum for discussion. I'd like to see that happen, especially if Skauble starts the topic.

    DC time is US eastern time and it sucks being on DC time for new releases. :sleeping:

    But err, what issue/change are you talking about? Can't say I see the problem right now. ?(

    Before the threads disappeared I read something about the way the views were given had changed, and that TJ was not happy about it for some reason. I think it only affected low time eggs, but i didn't really read the whole thing and now it's gone.

    Mia a couple of players have offers to breed shimmers for people without any (long lineage of course) and if you watch the community departure board there are also a lot of shimmers given to people there. They usually want a dummy egg to make sure the shimmers aren't going to people that already have a bunch, it's pretty good way to get started.

    If you aren't picky about lineage I have a couple that I use for gifting, but they were stingy with eggs this last go round. If you want me to try to breed one for you let me know. ...and anyone else here that doesn't have any too, I'll see what I can do to get you started with one.
    freeze fodder?

    I think there was mention it had something to do with the ads maybe? I'm not really sure, but maybe he wants enough revenue generated to be able to focus solely on DC. Still it sucks, and if it makes the catching too difficult he'll lose players, so kind of self defeating IMO.
    We'll see. 4 more hours...

    Thanks but I did finally manage to get three eggs, just took a lot longer than usual. :D

    I am getting the message about javascript needing to be on and I'm not happy about TJ forcing the issue.
    If I get jumpy pages in the biomes while I'm trying to hunt tonight I'm going to be really :cursing:, I can't stand the jumpy twitchy pages, they give me a headache. I had all but quit hunting in the AP just for that reason until someone told me to try it with javascript off, made a huge difference.
    Guess we'll just have to see how it goes tonight. I can't imagine if it goes badly TJ will keep it and PO a big chunk of the user base, at least I hope not... :(

    Thanks. I didn't know that. My problem is I have a jumpy screen and when I refresh the AP the cursor can be either on the bottom row or the one above. :D I will try though.

    Have you tried turning off java script in the AP? I find it helps with the jumping when the page refreshes and it doesn't seem to affect anything else.

    This mega release I think is going to be harder than a lot of the other releases. I can usually catch at least a few in the first hour but last night I thought I was never going o get one because of the horrible lag. I bet I had over a hundred tabs opened during the first twenty minutes and not a single catch!

    I am one of those who stockpiles in the first few days of a release. :S
    If I can't grab 'em while they fall every few minutes I'll never get them.
    I don't think I've even seen, much less caught anything in the way of blusangs, GWs, or Crimsons since their initial release!

    I hope that with a gold trophy, and a bunch of reds to speed the hatching, I'll be able to snag a breeding pair of each kind before they get too impossible to get.
    And yes, one or two breed onlies would be nice to take some of the pressure off. Fingers crossed.

    With a lot of people probably planning to keep spaces for each day (and how that will self limit the number of eggs they catch), It WILL be interesting to see how this affects the usual chatter about " greedy grabbers" not letting other players have a chance to catch anything. :huh:

    Also if this runs to the 29th, what happens with a June release? I would hope that it would be skipped over, two new releases so close together would be reallllly hectic!