Posts by calenlass

    I think it's hard to answer this question.
    My personal goal is: Have minimum one flower of each type (species and colour variations). And breed a second biting dandelion (there is only one flower left i didn't have jet so i need a second goal ;)).

    That's my goal too, to have at least one of each type and color. And to get as many as those "special" or seasonal plants like Xmas or Jack O'Lantern as I can catch and grow on my garden because of the limited time released. I'm still missing lots of colors and the Xmas Star but I'm sure I'll get them all eventually.

    Does anyone know if there's going to be a St. Patrick's Day plant?

    Das ist mein Ziel zu, um wenigstens eine von jeder Art und Farbe haben. Und um so viele wie jene "besondere" oder saisonale Pflanzen wie Weihnachten oder Jack O'Lantern wie ich fangen können und wachsen auf meinem Garten wegen der begrenzten Zeit veröffentlicht. Ich bin immer noch fehlt vielen Farben und die Xmas Star, aber ich bin sicher, ich werde sie alle irgendwann.

    Weiß jemand, ob es geht, eine St. Patrick's Day-Anlage sein?

    By seeing that big bright sun on your garden page, right above your watering can. When you play the minigame and chose the option to 'make the clouds go away', that'll blow the clouds away from your sun. I can't check your garden to see if your sun is out from under the cloud or not, only you can see your own sun and your watering can. If you want your sun to come out full and bright, just chose that 'cloud go away' option everytime you play the minigame ;)

    Yes, truelinor, what Aztekior said.

    If you embed your plants in your signature, every time people click to view your plants, it will help to give your plants water and sunshine. A pixie will invite you to follow him, that'll take you to the minigames where you can play, and every time you win in the minigames, you'll get 3 options as "wishes" - 1) a faucet to refill your water bucket - 2) make it rain - 3) make the clouds go away.

    As to the plant out, you used to be required to plant out your adult plants so they don't run out of water or sunshine or whatever. But they've tweaked the garden to make all our plants be planted out as soon as they hit adulthood. That way, they'll never die and we don't need to water/sun them to keep them alive. I love that feature cos I have lots of plants and I really hate to see any of them die, but constantly watering them was getting quite tiresome.

    Hope this helped you understand a little more about this game now, and you didn't become even more confused. I started out totally blind on how to play this game but as time went by, I learned more and more...and there'll always be people here to help clarify things. :D

    Bei mir kam der Postbote nur, als noch ein Platz frei war. Ein weiterer Versuch schlug fehl. Es ist OK. Dafür habe ich ja 2 tränende Herzen für die Zucht. Es werden bestimmt richtig goldige Pflanzen. Es gibt sicherlich Farbvarianten.

    To me the postman came only when one more place was free. Another attempt missed. It is OK. For it I have 2 watering hearts for the breeding. They will be certainly really lovely plants. There are absolutely color variations.

    Well, I gifted 2 other plants and the postman didn't appear so I guess he's busy or I'm doing it wrong again... I am having fun gifting plants though :D

    Even though the first post says otherwise, the event was extended by another day. Therefore you have 20 hours left to get the secret seed.

    Weeeeee, thank you for the extension. Hopefully it will be enough for everyone to get their seeds. Thank you for the wonderful work :thumbup:

    Edit: That one Crocus of mine is really slow growing up. I picked it up on Feb 3rd and it's still not grown yet... :huh: *overloads it with water, sunshine and fertilizer*

    Thank you for the links, Aztekior. Hopefully I'll be able to figure it out before time's up :D

    *SIGH* I try and try but come up with nothing. I just cannot figure out what to look for in those links. Any other help?
    * Seufz * Ich versuche und versuche aber kommen mit nichts. Ich kann einfach nicht herausfinden, was auf die in diesen Links schauen. Alle anderen helfen? (I hope this translation is understandable, I'm using Google Translator)

    Edit: how do I delete my previous post?

    some users have showed their pictures from garden, from the cat and so on. They cac read, but they can be lucky... It was a gag. :P

    Drat! I still can't figure it out. Is it hidden in the wild garden somewhere or can be gotten from breeding? I clicked on all the little animals/insects in the garden but get nothing. I can't seem to understand the gag mentioned. Is it like a German puzzle or something?

    Happy Valentin's Day Euch allen, dem Team und Euren lustigen Haustierchen und Mizekatzen, auch wenn sie nicht lesen können. Dafür können sie schnurren, und das ist auch was besonderes. --- Happy Valentin's Day to you all, to the team and to your amusing house little animals and puss cats, even if they cannot read. There fore they can purr, and this is also what the special.

    Hmmm, I really am confused with this. ?(

    Oh wow, I'm really bad with trying to figure things out. I tried to cheat and looked at your seed but no parents there. Drat! Hmmm, maybe breeding Lucky Clover with Tulip??

    Edit: Forgot to say, thank you for the new Bleeding Heart seed. And HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY, everyone :love:

    Ohhh, I remember playing this particular field. The bottom pipe is that one I circled in red. I don't know how to attach screencap so I hope a normal attachment works here.
    The bottom pipe is not always at the same location, and forget about connecting any pipes that end at the sides of the field, your pipes connect to the side of the field so water will not have to connect the pipes all the way to the bottom

    Truelinor, the top pipe is ALWAYS half buried. If you find that half-buried pipe at the top, that's where you start. The bottom outlet pipes can vary on their location, sometimes it's over a stone, sometimes over a tuft of grass. The pipes have to be connected all the way to the bottom and can't be broken by rocks or grass in the middle of the play field.

    Hope I haven't confused you even more now :huh:

    When you go on vacation, you might want to plant your flower. The effect is the same as when your plant was abandoned, the plant is save from geeting limp. But contrary to abandoning, the plant can be dug out again after a minimum of 7 days. When planted out, the flower will also have a small amount of water to prevent the plant from getting limp instant.

    Since planted flowers in signatures still give sun for your garden, i recommend to plant all flowers you not needed for breedings right now. If you need them again, you can still dig them out any time.

    Btw.: All abandoned plants have been moved to the bed instead since this option didn't exist ealier. If you still want to abandon your plant, you might do so.

    Thank you so much for adding this feature. It's great to know our flowers won't die when we are not able to have access to our garden for a short time. :thumbup:

    Is there a way to put our garden or flowers into a sort of hibernation if we are not going to have access to it for sometime? I'll be going away for a long holiday in dec and will only be back around Xmas and don't want my plants to look like this (either this person is not interested in playing Flowergame anymore or ...?)

    Anyway, I don't have anyone I can ask to babysit my garden for me when I go away for 3 weeks so I'm hoping I can put my plants/garden into hibernation (or something) so they don't die so is there a feature that can do that?

    Also, just a suggestion but the green stripe is really very bright and glaring, can it be a little less bright...or maybe a lighter green? Or are you still playing with the colors? :D