Problem with Deleted Gardens / Probleme mit geloeschten Gaerten

  • I just wanna give a quick statement that some people here experienced. We had a bug in our System that allowed users to sign up and use flowergame without activating there account. This issue is fixed. The problem is that we store in the database who is activated and who is not. Based on that we have a script that cleans out all the accounts that signed up but never played (you would be surprised how many accounts we have like that). So everyone that played the game but never clicked on the activation link in there email was affected by that.

    We restored all that accounts from a backup from early December that where not activated but had flowers in that backup. So most people should be back up and running and unfortunately lost a month of game.

    I hope this clears things up and we are very sorry for the trouble this has caused for some of you.


    Ich moechte nur mal ein kruzes Statment abgeben ueber das Problem das manche Spieler hatten. Wir hatten ein Bug in unserem System der es erlaubt hat ohne jemals sein Konto zu aktiveren das spiel spielen zu koennen. Dieses Problem ist nun behoben. In unserer Datenbank speichern wir wer sein Konto aktiviert hat und wer nicht. Auf basis davon haben wir ein script das alle nicht aktivierten Konten aus dem Spiel entfernt (Ihr wuerdet ueberrascht sein wie viele es davon gibt). Daher wurden leider auch Konten geloescht von Spielern die aktiv Spielen aber halt nie Ihr Konto aktiviert haben.

    Wir haben nun alle Konten aus einem Backup von anfang Dezember wiederhergestellt (jeder der nicht aktiviert war aber Blumen hatte im Backup). Daher sollten nun die meisten wieder Ihren Garten zurueck haben.

    Ich hoffe das macht einiges etwas Klarer und entschuldige mich vielmal bei allen Spielern die betroffen waren.

  • I can't remember if the link I got when registered had never arrived or never worked - and, since I could log in without the activation, I never worried about that. The garden seems to looks near enough to my "backup" of 2 days ago :)

  • Yeah it is very unfortunate. And I am very surprised we haven't discovered it more early. Often the activation emails are landing in Spam folder. But now if you try to log in with a not activated account you will get an error message. So cleanups from now on should be safe and not resulting into active users getting deleted.