• Ok, here is the problem. Two days ago (and yesterday I think - I didn't have time I had three sprouts: bred kalanchoe, bred grape hyacinth and wild snowdrop. Today two of them grew up, but one (the snowdrop) is missing. I put them in chronological order, and didn't find it.I don't remember the number. It was even for sure (I choose even numbers when picking seeds from the wild garden).

    Soo, could anyone check the logs and bring back my snowdrop (I hope it was the variant I'm missing)

  • Chronological order works different from what you would expect. It does not show the plants in the order you collected them or in which they grew, but in which they were created and some seeds in the wild garden can be quite old.

    Isn't this the plant you were missing? http://flowergame.net/view/99578

  • OK, thanks for finding it. ;)
    It's good to know that it didn't vanish, although it didn't turn the variant expected.

    I'm getting a bit frustrated with so many new variants and so much time to fill in the compendium - in February I was just missing one plant, the Valentine's Heart , and then the new snowdrop, kalanchoe and other appeared. And I have three questionmarks now;((. The game started to be time consuming ;((