I Need Help!!!!

  • Click the flowers or use the View-link. Then water your flowers.
    Follow the pixie and use mini games. He will fill up the water can, he can let it rain (to watering all flowers), he can put the clods awai.
    So you give water and light to your flowers. The most, as you can give from both, it results with the fastest growing.
    Put flowers into your sig. We look at, and so it brings light in your garden. Then the clouds are staying away for longer time.


  • For breeding, you need to have two adult flowers of same or compatible species, go to view one of them and click the breed link.

    Lady Patricia Carraig of Heathland 
    My garden:
    Bitte verzeihen oder korrigieren Sie die Fehlern in mein Deutsch, ich lerne immer noch.