My spider plant problem

  • My dog keeps stepping on the babies of the plant and leafs of them fall off. will the baby live? :|
    please reply if you've had this kind of problem and if they lived.
    thanks for your time.

    Please click to help the flower(s) grow:
    My Dragon Cave
    Thank you very much
    Have a groovy day!
    PEACE + LOVE = :)

  • That is not nice from your dog, stepping on your spider plant...

    I don't know if spider plants can survive when they lost all their leaves but i would say: Try it. And took the plants to a higher place so your dog can't step on them again ;) Good luck.

  • since it spiderplant it be find it grow and spread by two way the roots and leave you can break piece of by where there several small leave bunch to gether and plant in soil and it will grow or break it at the roots into smaller part and they will grow