• Where is live plants which doesnt belong to anyone like this one?

    Any way to look on them?


    If you don't need any plant you have please give it to me xD

  • Wo hast du sie gefunden? War sie im wilden Garten? Dann hat sie vielleicht jemand ausgewildert?

    Where did you find her? Was it in the wild garden? Then perhaps someone has released?

  • no i just spend some time to looking for Easter eggs by putting flowers IDs in address bar :) Never saw full growing flowers in Wild Garden


    If you don't need any plant you have please give it to me xD

  • The only way to find those abandonned flowers, is if you know the id or if you have a plant which is related to on of those. Well, or if you try random ids until you find one^^

  • Ausgewilderte Pflanzen bleiben also real als ID erhalten? *schwärm*, alte geheime Zukunftsträume wollen sich melden. Oder die ID's werden einfach nur nicht gelöscht. Wie auch immer... 8) ^^

    Abandonned flowers remain thus obtained as a real ID? *mmm*, old secret dreams of the future will come back. Or the ID's are just not deleted. How always... 8) ^^


  • Ich hab grad diesen Samen entdeckt , aber ich erinner mich nicht daran mit meinen Schneeglöckchen mal gezüchtet zu haben. Vermehren sich meine Pflanzen selber? Wie in der Natur auch?

    I just found this seed, but I can´t remember ever breeding my snowdrops? Can my plants breed on their own? Like in the wild too?

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