Posts by Malagar

    Earlier in this thread i started a spoiler list of where the eggs are located. Big blue type. It is up to 8 places to look. I will put another 2 up later today and all of them either before midnight my time GMT -8 PST or tomorrow morning my time for those who are still searching. Good luck everyone.

    How many eggs do you need to find to get the easter egg seed? I've found four XD
    Wieviele Eier müssen Sie finden, um den Ostereisamen zu erhalten? Ich habe vier gefunden XD

    Easter Special discussion/help

    We have started a discussion thread on where and how many eggs you need to find. But to answer your question you need to find 5. And i have come up with 6 location to find them that I am slowly leaking over the next days.

    Went back in my mind and figured out where I got the eggs, and yes there were 5 of them to get the EasterEgg seed.
    But I did find one just now after I had the EasterEgg seed. So this should be interesting. Since I have found 6 eggs now.
    Yep up to 7 places to find eggs, but it only takes 5 to get the package that contains the seed.

    Spoiler as to where to find eggs? Not all at once.
    You must wait at least 10 minutes between eggs so don't go expecting them all at once.

    1. Spend some time walking through the Wild Garden.
    2. Adopt or at least try and adopt a new seed. It works even if you can't adopt one because you have too many seeds already.
    3. Play Mini-Games (remember there is more than one of them.
    4 Look in "My Garden" and you own flowers.
    5. Now go look at other peoples flowers and gardens.
    (this should get you to 8 I'll add more later today).
    6. Check the Compendium. Ok now check out one of the entries in the Compendium.
    (This is the 10 mark and the hardest one is left. Will post that answer in about 6 hours so the Europeans can take care of checking first thing Easter morning their time. Don't want anyone missing out due to time zone issues.)
    7. I know I have no room for more seeds, but I'll try and breed one any way. Yep you have to go to the breeding page for the last one.
    That is all 11 eggs you need to get both EasterEgg seeds. It's now around 11:30pm in Germany so Happy Easter Everyone and hope you get the chance to get both packages and something good for Easter.

    German translator say this when I use it. Please forgive the bad grammar.

    1. Eine durch den Wilden Garten spazieren gehende Zeit verbringen.
    2. Annehmen oder versuchen Sie mindestens und nehmen Sie einen neuen Samen an. Es arbeitet, selbst wenn Sie denjenigen nicht annehmen können, weil Sie zu viele Samen bereits haben.
    3. Spiel-Minispiele (erinnern sich, gibt es mehr als einen von ihnen.
    4 Blick in'Meinem Garten' und besitzen Sie Blumen.
    5. Gehen Sie jetzt Blick auf andere Völker-Blumen und Gärten.
    (das sollte Sie zu 8 bekommen ich werde mehr später heute beitragen).
    6. Das Kompendium überprüfen. Ok überprüfen jetzt einen der Einträge im Kompendium.
    (Das ist das 10 Zeichen, und der härteste wird verlassen. Wird diese Antwort in ungefähr 6 Stunden anschlagen, so können die Europäer darauf aufpassen, den ersten Ding-Osternmorgen ihre Zeit zu überprüfen. Wollen Sie niemanden, wegen Zeitzone-Probleme auslaßend.)
    7. Ich weiß, dass ich kein Zimmer für mehr Samen habe, aber ich werde versuchen und einen jeden Weg gebären. Ja müssen Sie zur Fortpflanzungsseite für den letzten gehen.
    Das ist alle 11 Eier Sie müssen beide EasterEgg-Samen bekommen. Das ist jetzt ringsherum 11:30pm in Deutschland so das Glückliche Ostern Jeder und Hoffnung Sie bekommen die Chance, beide Pakete und etwas Gutes für das Ostern zu bekommen.

    Thanks Corindia for swapping notes with me so we could get all the eggs and help everyone out.

    I've gifted at least three flowers if not more... and I have not gotten one of the seeds yet. Am I doing something wrong?

    Same here. I thought it was over when I didn't get any seeds from the flowers that were gifted. Was there a delay in the extension or did I do something wrong from the start?

    Thank you Aztekior.
    I found the postman. Wasn't clear as to how I would get the seed but "following" the postman did the trick.
    Thanks again. I got at least 1 of them.

    Either I missed it, or we have to wait until someone accepts our Valentines Day gift for us to get the seed. Wish I had read this last night my time.
    In any case, hope everyone has or had a good Valentines Day.

    For those of you still hoping to get the seed I am camping in the adoption thread looking for any flowers i don't own. Don't know how many I will be able to help, but seed or no seed I'll be there.

    Thanks everyone who adopted my flowers and for those who have provided me with some new ones, unfortunately I seem to have missed the whole event. i was on Sunday morning (my time) and logged out before the event started. Then due to real life commitments I was not able to get here until Monday afternoon. The event seems to have ended before I logged back in. Hope everyone else had a good Valentines Day event.