Posts by Ardath

    I just went back and played again, and I noticed that

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    I wasn't able to repair the barrel until I had not only clicked on the water, but had clicked on the wall across from the bridge and had read a message about needing a way to cross. I think that's a step that needs to be completed before you can build the boat. (The very first time I played, I think that might have been one of the first things I clicked, so I hadn't even noticed.)

    Whew on no new variant! I only just got back here after being off for a few days, so I might not even get a second batch. I'm going to breed almost everything for the wild garden, though, so other people can have a shot at some fun lineages. :) My collections of the current colors are essentially complete, though, so I feel a lot more relaxed about missing the first few days after reading that. :)

    Edit: Here are some seeds I have sent to the garden:

    153152 (2nd gen blue/male)
    153156 (3rd Gen even)
    153157 (3rd gen even checkerboard)
    153158 (3rd gen even)
    153159 (4th gen staircase)
    153161 (2nd gen red/male)

    When I first started playing here, things were somewhat click/view driven... and I suspect that the admins phased that out because things like that take up more bandwidth. I know that, for a while, a bunch of us were trying to use Yarrold's to help nurture abandoned gardens... and soon after we started doing that, the site coding changed to prevent it. I think that the hatchery system probably puts too much of a strain on the server and our admins' wallets. Anyway, most of the games are awesome and it's more fun to feed plants that way. :)

    ARGH, I am getting so frustrated. I feel like I have been over every bleeding page with a fine-toothed comb, multiple times, and I haven't seen a new egg in hours. I am at #13 or #14, and they've just stopped. I give up.

    Hi, Bunnybrine.

    If you have a flower that can breed, "breed" will be one of the available actions, along with "gift, trash, or abandon," on the flower's page. Clicking on "breed" will bring up a list of flowers that it can be bred with, usually just members of its own species. Some species have different varieties (multiple colors, for example) but they're still the same species. For instance, there are four different possible sprites for fully-grown dandelions, with between one and four flowers in each picture, but they're all dandelions and you can breed any of them together. The best way to keep track is to look at what you have in your Compendium, and also to check the collecting thread to see which flowers are which, and how many varieties each species has.

    I hope that helps!


    I've seen four in people's gardens so far. The original two: and

    and then the new two: and .

    I haven't seen any others yet. I think that the angel might be the one that is now breed-only.

    I hope more seeds will be generated soon? I just got on after being away for a day -- and I've been dying to get some wreaths -- but there are none to be found. If I don't find some soon, I won't have a chance at picking up more than four seeds before they go away. :(

    I'm seeing "atrium" plants in my greenhouse for some reason. Can that be fixed, please? I genuinely don't want them visible in the greenhouse; I keep my breeding pairs in the greenhouse and use the other areas for plants that I'm offering in trade.