Posts by gruenkern

    My favorite flower here is the lilac (bush), it has the most heavenly scent! We still have lots of wild flowers, if you know where to look for them, including "lady slipper", and something we called "Indian paint brush" when I was a kid, living out in the country. I have no idea at all what the correct name for them is! :D

    I looked up you plants at wikipedia. There'are more german people here, it might be interesting for others:
    "lady slipper" is an orchid, it's name similar in german: Frauenschuh
    We probably don't have "Indian paint brush" in Germany, wikipedia doesn't even know a german name for it. All species come from Northamerica, Northasia and Russia.
    They seem to be an interesting plants: They are half-parasites, living on the roots of grass. Castilleja linariifolia is the state flower of Wyoming.
    Lilac is called Flieder in german. It's planted in parks and garden, but probably not growing wild.

    I think German is a fun language to speak, but I know very little. One of my friends in school had lived her early years in Germany, and taught us all some rude phrases, lol.

    As a german, I don't think, it's a fun language. I'm glad that I didn't have to learn it (ok, I learned it, when I learned to speak). I think it's a very difficult language and it has a terrible grammar.

    I'd like a chaos thread. I'm not going to translate everything I write, especially when it's only senseless smalltalk. I'm simply not able to do it the same way in english as I do in germam. And I would for sure not write so much senseless spam if I had to translate it. I would think "skip it, nobody wants to read that!" Ok, that's true for german postings also. But nobody has to read that! It's just smalltalk!

    Thanks Aztekior, now I know, the smilies got lost somewhere, since I don't have any. Adblock pretends to be switched off on flowergeame (I know it's lying) and noscript says it didn't block anything on this site (I don't know if it's telling the truth). But, hey, I can live without smilies.
    You just shouldn't wonder that I don't use any. Exept for Textsmilies of course ;-} But who knows, maybe they're translated to picture smilies at your screen (and might look completely different than I intended).

    Wie jetzt, Thema? Was denn für ein Thema? Niemand hat gesagt, dass man ein Thema braucht, in einem Laberthread. I dachte, ich könnte einfach so ein bisschen spammen... ist ja auch viel zu ruhig hier im Forum. Auch noch Ansprüche stellen!
    Thema gibt's auf Sonderantrag und nur mit mindestens sieben Vorschlägen. Eins davon bitte pflanzenbezogen.

    Und was denkst Du eingentlich von mir, zu denken, ich würde fragen, bevor ich ein Thema starte? Doch nicht in diesem Forum, welches glücklicherweise nicht so überadministriert ist wie manche anderen (eigentlich eher gar nicht - zumindest habe noch nie irgendwelche administrativen Massnahmen mitgekriegt, andererseits - habe ich nicht mal ein Thema vermisst von dem ich sicher war, es gelesen zu haben, aber dann nicht mehr gefunden habe? Achwas, war bestimmt Alzheimer!)

    PS: Wo sind eigentlich die Smilies? Jedes Forum hat Smilies. Jedes ausser diesem. Oder sind die etwa wieder meinem Müllblocker zum Opfer gefallen? Aber der Verdacht liegt nahe, dass da wirklich keine sind, denn auch die Postings meiner Mitspammer sind ja immer so smilylos.

    PS-2: Eigentlich gut, dass da keine sind. Neumodische Smilies sind ja heutzutage immer animiert - und würden von mir geblockt werden. Ich mag nicht so viel Gehopse auf meinem Bildschirm.

    Hey, ein neuer Thread frisst nix, nimmt keinen Platz weg und ist auch sonst ganz pflegeleicht. Und völlig gratis noch dazu.
    Von mir aus dürfte auch jeder Thread nur eine Seite haben, dann landet man wenigstens automatisch immer auf der richtigen - selbst wenn man klickt ohne zu denken.


    There're about 5500 more gardens to check. And many more pixels to rescue.

    But you're right, I checked the abandoned offspring of my plants a few days ago and I also felt sorry with them, especially those neglected poor things which managed to be picked up into a private garden and didn't get any water afterwards.

    Did you know, the oldest plant in my garden was gifted (and probabely bred) from you? (Of course you didn't, but now you do.)

    I checked all the gardens from 1-130 (if they existed) and these are all the plants I found and not already posted here.

    *lol* That could have been from me. Of course I also checked the oldest gardens some time ago, even if not up to number 130.
    But did you find the oldest plant? I'm still wondering, which number this could be. I'm certainly not going to find that out by hand. Just as I'm not going to write a script either.
    I found a dandelionwith number 215, can you check 11-210? (just kidding!)

    Both. Sometimes I take a plant, water it, and put it back to the wild garden. Especially if I don't know what it is - there 're still several plants missing in my garden (I don't want to grow a christmas cactus in summer). But you can't abandon so often (I don't know how many times exactly in which timeframe).

    And sometimes I'm trying to find out, what is the newest seed. You can use the view-link from any plant in any garden and increase the number (numbers are increasing with time, not random). So you can see many plants, some a taken by someone, some are bred, some are wild... Sometimes the number doesn't exist, than it's either discarded or numbering didn't reach that number (it's a future plant). If I see anything nice which doesn't have a home, I can put that number in the take-link and take the seed home to my garden. It's all about modifying urls, you can't see which seeds are bred anywhere directly.

    But this is for sure not the way most people are playing this game - it's just me ;-}

    By the way: My christmas cactus has a blossom and some more buds. I mean the real, living one on my windowsill. And I didn't even manage to put it into earth since the cuttings grew some roots, it's still in water. Maybe I should collect some cactus seeds now...

    Yeah, I chose it because of its nice number and because it was a bred one. I like plants with history. If you lost it unintentionally I can give it back.
    I'm not sure, if I understood your last question right. You can pick up any seed from the wild garden, if you know its the number, even when it's not displayed. Just modify the "take"-url by changing the seed-number: <- That's your bred tulip (but you cannot take it because it's already taken).

    Usually you have three pots for sprouted plants, because you had three seeds. But it can be more or less, depending on how fast they grow.
    The upper row alway ist for seeds and the second row for sprouts.
    (I don't know, if there can be a third row with sprouts, if you water your seeds, that they sprout, but let the sprouts dry out, that they cannot grow. Maybe I should try if there is a maximum number of sprouts you can have. Maybe someone can tell that.)