I think the reason for the capitalization is that in titles either all all important words ar capitalized or only the first word. In both cases the capitalization of your user name is correct.
Posts by Ehlana
I was able to water them yestersday and also today. Maybe there's a limit for the water amount?
I tried the Snow/Santa game again today. It's reacting very slowly (5 seconds from one side to the other) and that's why I'm always collecting the wrong things.. This way, I need at least five minutes till I finish.
Favourite (never re-roll)
Pipe (I love these games, but waiting for the water sometimes results in not finishing the game because I clicked somewhere else and it stops)
Find pairs (small and medium)
Stepping stoneOK (re-roll if in a hurry)
Find pairs (big)
Match 3
Hidden ObjectsNever play (always re-roll)
Snow/Santa game (I don't managa to collect the correct things... Maybe I should try again...) -
Danke, das hat mein Problem gelöst!
Thanks, this solved the issue with my quest!
I have similar problem as Ehlana. I've found the first half of the letter and clicked it. I've also found the other half of the letter(with the heart) and the honey pot but can not click on either one of them. Nothing happens. I've tried to go to the crying pixie several times and clicked everything, but I can not click on the second half of the letter nor the honey pot.
EDIT: Haha! I managed to click the images! I had to make my browser window smaller in order to be able to click the sprites, With smaller window the sprites were "in the right place". However this feature might need to be changed as not everyone has the patience to try it with different window sizes..
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Mia, thanks for your answer
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I can see the second half, but I'm not able to click it. But I got a lot of presents, maybe it was counted internally?---------------
Ich kann die zweite Hälfte sehen, aber nicht anklicken. Ich habe allerdings eine Menge GEschenke bekommen, vielleicht wurde es intern gezählt?
Kann mir jemand mit der Story weiterhelfen?
Could someone help me getting along with the story?
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Ich habe das weinende Mädchen gefunden, ihr zerbrochenes Herz und eine Hälfte vom Brief, die alle zusammen auf der selben Seite angezeigt werden. Wenn ich auf das Herz und den halben Brief klicke kommt jeweils eine Textnachricht. Außerdem habe ich einen Honigtopf gefunden, auch hier bekomme ich beim Klicken eine Textnachricht, der Topf wird aber nicht eingesammelt oder beim Mädchen angezeigt. Die zweite Hälfte vom Brief kann ich zwar sehen, aber nicht anklicken.
Was muss ich machen, damit ich den Brief zusammensetzen kann?
I found the crying pixy, her broken heart and one half of a letter. These thing are all displayed together on the same page. When I click the heart and the part of the letter I get a short text message. I also found a honey pot where I get a text message on clicking, but it's neither collected nor shown on the page with the pixy. I can see the second half of the letter, but I cannot click it.
What doI have to do in order to get the whole letter?
Vielen Dank für die Hilfe!
Thanks for your support!