Posts by tawanda

    I THINK the third was only for new participants that weren't here last year to get the egg garland for the tree. If you already had that you only got the new bunny and the flower arrangement for the winter garden.

    "But I have no idea how or where they can be found."
    They pop up every 5-15 minutes roughly, on whatever page you are on in the cave. The same one keeps popping up over and over until you take it. It takes a lot of time to get them all, assuming you can get 4-6 eggs an hour at that rate. I think they continue for several days so you should have time to collect them all even if you have to be away from the cave for a long period of time for work, sleep, school, etc

    Ugh, I took a nap yesterday so that I wouldn't be too tired to make it through the drop, and then....nothing. I was up from midnight until about three AM watching old movies because there were no eggs to hunt, sigh.
    I happen to be off this weekend for vacation but if this is going to be a regular time I'm out of luck since I typically work weekend days during the new time. I really hope that if he doesn't go back to midnight that he tries something else. My personal vote would be for about 8-9 pm cave time, like that will ever happen, lol.

    Lady Nova, I think someone (maybe someone here) passed on a tip for hunting when there are more than one new kind of egg in a release. Fill up on however many AP eggs, leaving open only the number of slots for one particular kind of egg you want. (If you want two noisy eggs then only leave two slots open) Grab those, then dump your AP eggs and fill those now empty slots with the other kind of new egg. That way you don't end up with more of one kind than you want. Works really well for me!

    Thank you Mia, yes that was the dark pink yay! looks totally purple to me too, but I'm not an artist, what do I know, lol!
    I think I sent you the right Iris, totally for got to doublecheck before I sent it.... :rolleyes:
    Replica thanks you for the dragons breath Mimmu, does anyone need one in return?

    I'm still looking for the 'pink' hyacinths, they don't look pink so I keep getting the red ones instead, lol!
    If anyone has the ones that say pink when you 'inspect element' it would be appreciated.
    And my daughter would like to swap for a dragons breath if possible, she just had one grow up and thinks they are neat!
    Her scroll name is Replica.

    I've still got a lots of flowers i need to send people, but I will start passing on the extras tomorrow, so yeah I think it would be great to know what people would like just for the fun of it! :D

    I'm still looking for the pink lavendar ( b ) and the darker mini iris, the one that says pink but looks purple if anyone can help.
    Have a garden full of things if anyone still needs things, venus fly trap, lily of the valley, red/blue rose, both mini iris, and just planted a dragons head if it will grow up before the gardens disappear. ;(

    MilkaQ I sent you a pink hyacinth and pink iris

    Well, i know i'm quite late to the party, but i'm missing like 100 flowers still...So if someone has some spares like

    a pink or midpurple Agapanthus, a blue Pansy,,a pink Waterlily, a Dragonhead,a purple or white dewdrop, a blue???,a pink Columbine,any blueBonnet,a green or dark blue Shroomlet ,a brown,pink,redb,purpleb Iris, any Titan, a cyan, or yellow Biter,, a darkred,darkpurple,palepurple,purple,purpleblue,blue or white Hyacinth, a lightpink, orange,yellow,pink,blue or red Hibiscus,a bluespot a,orangespot or pink Orchid,a yellow or purple Jack in the..,a Sundew,a purple Alstromeria,a red rafflesia,an orange,paleorange,red or white (yes i know..) Gerbera

    Uhmm, i don't want you guys to do all of these...i just wanted to make that list for myself, to check on my flowers....
    I'm already happy with one or two! :)

    sundew, green mushroom, red blue bonnet, whie dewdrop, blue ??? on their way.

    Woke up this morning to find my list almost complete, thanks to you all!
    These are the few I have left if anyone has some to spare…html?state=copy updated
    Now to run through and see what requests I can fill
    That was fast-thank you redsquirrel AND thank you Lady Nova
    Looks like most people have completed their lists except for the rare stuff....if anybody still need colors of the more common items let me know

    Sending lady nova the purple orchid, and the light purple hyacinth
    and you guys are so fast. I'm over here doing the two finger hunt and peck, lol
    Going to see if I have anything left on y'alls lists, down to mostly just sprouts again though...

    Oh, and the new dragons remind me of Egyptians paintings or something similar for some reason, me likey ^^