Halloween 2012

  • Es ist Halloween, die Zeit im Jahr in der Kürbisse ihre Tentakel nach arglosen Gärtnern ausstrecken und sie mit ihren fürchterlichen Fratzen erschrecken, bissige Baumstümpfe aus ihren Erdlöchern kriechen und es fleischfressende Pflanzen aus dem Weltall auf die Erde verschlägt. In allen Ecken und Wickeln erscheinen wie durch Zauberhand Spinnennetze, Fledermäuse flattern durch die Nacht und das schaurige Klagen rastloser Geister ertönt. Zudem macht das Gerücht die Runde, dass die gefährlichen Waldpiraten auf Beutezug gehen.
    Nehmt euch in acht!

    It is Halloween, the time of the year when pumpkins reach out their tentacles for unsuspecting gardeners and fear them with its fearsome grimace, snappy tree trumps crawl out of their foxhole and meateating plants from outer space land on earth. In all corners appear spider webs as if by magic, bats flutter through the night and the scary moaning restless ghosts can be heared. Furthermore their is a rumor that the dangerous woodpirates be on the prowl.

    Das Event läuft bis zum 11.11.

    Die letztjährigen Halloween Kürbisse könnt ihr nur durch züchten erhalten.

    The Event runs until the 11.11.

    Jack-o-lanterns from the last year you can only get from breeding.

  • May I have one question? Are there going to be any special varieties of the event plants that we can get only through breeding or only from this year's seeds, like it was the case with last year's jack-o'lanterns and witch mushrooms? It would be nice to know.

  • Yay! Halloween event!!!

    Like Alia mentioned above, it would be nice to know if there are new varieties, also how long will the event last? :3

    Edit: I got a question mark by my Jack-o-Lanterns in my compendium, so I guess a new variety :O

    I love the item the post pixie left.

  • *uhhh*, einfach scheuslich. Es wird bald dunkel. Bis Morgen früh werdet ihr mich wohl nicht mehr im Spiel erwischen können. Ich habe *Aaaaanst* :cursing:
    Immerhin, hier im Forum scheint es sicher zu sein. Zu viele Gärtnerspaten. Die Biestlinge trauen sich offenbar nicht. *har* X(


  • I hate the game. I'm clicking the stupid ghost and receiving the following message: "You try to push the ghost towards the cobweb, but you still can't touch it." - I don't have much time to finish this. Colud anybody send me a solution on PM, please?

  • Das Event läuft bis zum 11.11.
    Die letztjährigen Halloween Kürbisse könnt ihr nur durch züchten erhalten.

    The Event runs until the 11.11.
    Jack-o-lanterns from the last year you can only get from breeding.

    Heisst das, dass es eine neue Kürbis-Art im Wilden Garten gibt bzw, auch neue Audreys und Baumstämme? Oder gibts irgendwann eine ganz neue Halloweenpflanze? ?(

    100475.png 8829.png 120648.png66447.png 2XHsN.gif

  • I have just joined and haven't grown a full flower/plant yet so please be kind :)

    I caught the ghost and got a package from the pixie but all my seed slots were full when I opened it. Does this mean I do not get what was in the package?

  • I have just joined and haven't grown a full flower/plant yet so please be kind :)

    I caught the ghost and got a package from the pixie but all my seed slots were full when I opened it. Does this mean I do not get what was in the package?

    Hello! ^^

    The item inside the package is for decoration, so you will probably be able to access it once you get your Atrium and/or Winter Garden :3

  • The item in the package is not a seed, it's a decoration for your Atrium.

    Idril - there is no question mark next to audrey and snappy tree stump which I guess means they will stay the same as last year. But there will be a new variety of jack-o'lantern.

  • You got it, but it will still take a few days until you can access it (it it is accessible from an area of the game which hasn't been unlocked for you yet).

  • I have just joined and haven't grown a full flower/plant yet so please be kind :)

    I caught the ghost and got a package from the pixie but all my seed slots were full when I opened it. Does this mean I do not get what was in the package?

    No the post pixie brings extra things that don't interfere with your flower pots.