Oh right. I just saw yellow and didn't notice they were different.

Collectingthread for all Planttypes/Colors / Sammelthread alle Pflanzenarten/farben
A new flower!? "Stern der Weihnacht"
Sorry I dont know how to einfügen Pictures
Yes, one new Christmas Star.
I'll put it on the wiki.
No, after mint there were the Halloween plants and then the Christmas plants.
Wow, they are soooo beautiful.
Oh, I only took 2. better get more,
Wow, those are really neat! I've never even heard of these flowers before! Cool!
I used to have one when I was a teen but it never got to having flowers.
Wow it's indeed really beautiful! I'm wondering whether the 4th variant is bred-only or not xD
Let's go and grab the seeds
Oh thanks so much! I saw it in your sig but thought it was on previous stage before...
I love them
I had them at home, but they died. -
I used to have one when I was a teen but it never got to having flowers.
Alia! The fourth one is your plant!
So, my new living stones grew up, I got the one with no flowers and no question mark in the Compendium.
I still need the yellow one, but I'm gathering some today - hope I get one!
Didn't we have a new Jack o lantern last halloween?