Look, lorimmel's mushroom is full grown! Like it))

Collectingthread for all Planttypes/Colors / Sammelthread alle Pflanzenarten/farben
Hee, what a cute mushrooms!
Yup, I love them too! Very nice work!
ETA: I love how they go together with heather (older version). Just have a look at my Forest Lake :3 -
Yeah, that's true! I love how your Forest Lake looks!
awww, so cute!!!
O I love that looks extraterrestrialy lovely
I hope I´ll get at least one of those...
The sprout of the Siberian Pepper is so cute.
Oh, that's adorable! Yet again, a plant that I'd like to be able to keep a sprout form of forever.
these siberian peppers are just too cute!!
can't wait for mine to grow up!
They are really nice. I´m thinking of getting one for myself in real, I like eating hot.
They are really nice. I´m thinking of getting one for myself in real, I like eating hot.
If you do, please show us a photo of it!!!
(I thought I posted this, but I can't find it anywhere - if I've now double posted, please delete one and forgive me!)