Easter 2012 / Ostern 2012

  • Hmm, some times when I click an egg I get the message: "Hey, no cheating!"
    What does that mean? Anyone else got that message? ?(

    Yes, you get it when you click twice in the same egg and the browser is not quick enough to react to your clicks (you are not redirected to the 'count' page).

    BTW - 14 eggs so far...
    I wonder how many of them there are....

  • Kintara, we cannot lost seeds. There time seeds from an opened parcel will take extra places. Then they take regular plaes, if places will free.

    And what to me passed ...: I got an Easter hare-pot. Look what my hare does in it. Maybe he lays eggs for tomorrow, for Pentecost or for the next year? One will have to wait. :P
    Und was mir passierte...: Ich bekam einen Osterhasen-Topf. Schaut, was mein Hase darin tut. Vielleicht legt er Eier für morgen, für Pfingsten oder für nächstes Jahr? Man wird das abwarten müssen. :P


  • Hm :( Ich habe gerade vorhin in deinen Garten geguckt da sind doch drei Eier und ein Leberblümchen?? Eigenartig denn das wären VIER Samen in der ersten Stufe??

    I just watched earlier in your garden there are still three eggs and a liverwort? Strange because that would be FOUR seeds in the first stage?

  • Und wie viele Eier waren im Postpaket?? Mehr als eins?? Vielleicht bekommst du den Rest dann doch noch morgen?

    And how many eggs were in the parcel? More than one? Maybe you'll get the rest but then again tomorrow?

    Ich glaube ich lasse das letzte Paket verschlossen, bis ich Saatplätze frei habe. Deine Warnung ist gut für mich und die anderen. Es tut mir leid für dich. :(

    I think I let the last packet sealed until I'm free seed places. Your warning is good for me and the others. I feel sorry for you. : (

  • Und wie viele Eier waren im Postpaket?? Mehr als eins?? Vielleicht bekommst du den Rest dann doch noch morgen?

    And how many eggs were in the parcel? More than one? Maybe you'll get the rest but then again tomorrow?

    Ich glaube ich lasse das letzte Paket verschlossen, bis ich Saatplätze frei habe. Deine Warnung ist gut für mich und die anderen. Es tut mir leid für dich. :(

    I think I let the last packet sealed until I'm free seed places. Your warning is good for me and the others. I feel sorry for you. : (

    You can open the parcel as you have 3 egg seeds from the wild garden ;))

    I'm in a bad mood as I wanted to get the 3rd egg from the wild garden tomorrow when the liverleaf sprouts.
    I opened the third parcel as I noticed that Exterminans got 3 new pots, so I thought it was the third pot ;((
    If I hadn't opened it I would have had 4 Easter eggs tomorrow.....

    I hope I'll get the 4th variant or somebody will trad with me. I hate the question marks in compendium (esp. the one with Valentine's heart).....

  • Don't worry agajol, it will be the precise alt you were looking for ;) As for the pot you are looking for, there are still some more eastereggs to find.

  • Ich trau mich mein Paket nicht öffnen, nach dem Mißgeschick von agajol. Soll ich oder soll ich nicht??
    I dare not open my package, because of the misfortune of agajol. Should I or should not I? :S