New flowers / Neue Pflanzen

  • Sonnenblumen fehlen noch ;) und Ich fände Gladiolen toll :)

    oder irgendwelche Kräuter/ Heilkräuter wie Lavendel, Ringelblume, Thymian, Baldrian, Pfefferminze usw.

    oder eine Erweiterung des Gartenbereichs um einen Teich mit Wasserpflanzen kam mir gerade sponten in den Sinn

    klick mich :love: und mich auch


  • Yay! Boletus edulis added! I am very happy. ^^

    Fungi aren't plants, no, but they are attractive visually in many cases and are cultivated in gardens by many people. :) That's why I suggested them. Not all species can be grown as cultivars in real life but hey, that's what games are for... XD

    I also agree that roses and snapdragons, suggested by others, would be a wonderful thing to see. And how about California Poppies? African Violets?

  • Yay! Boletus edulis added! I am very happy. ^^

    Fungi aren't plants, no, but they are attractive visually in many cases and are cultivated in gardens by many people. :) That's why I suggested them. Not all species can be grown as cultivars in real life but hey, that's what games are for... XD

    I also agree that roses and snapdragons, suggested by others, would be a wonderful thing to see. And how about California Poppies? African Violets?

    Oh it was you who suggested Porcini :) Thank you so much, it was a great idea :D

    Please help them grow faster! Thank you! / Bitte hilf meinen Blumen, schneller zu wachsen! Vielen Dank!

  • Yay! Boletus edulis added! I am very happy. ^^

    Fungi aren't plants, no, but they are attractive visually in many cases and are cultivated in gardens by many people. :) That's why I suggested them. Not all species can be grown as cultivars in real life but hey, that's what games are for... XD

    I also agree that roses and snapdragons, suggested by others, would be a wonderful thing to see. And how about California Poppies? African Violets?

    I thought we already have African Violets... or aren't they Saintpaulias? ?(

    Lady Patricia Carraig of Heathland 
    My garden:
    Bitte verzeihen oder korrigieren Sie die Fehlern in mein Deutsch, ich lerne immer noch.

  • Here's some suggestions, you don't have to read the text I wrote below, it's more like my comments about/reasoning for suggesting the flowers.

    I noticed someone already suggested these, but I wanted to put more input on them. California poppies are very resilient plants, they prosper almost anywhere, especially in big fields or by the side of the highways here in California/North America. Seeing the flowers are a sure way to make plant lovers like my mother and I to smile, because certain places in California are like dry deserts and don't have very many plants.

    Not sure if this has been suggested already, etc. or not so I'll just post it. Personally, I see Forget-Me-Nots as a flower for lovers/friends/family. In stories they're usually given by a lover (who has to go on a long journey) to their lover, who won't be seeing them for a long time. They're a way of saying "I'm going, but don't forget me while I'm gone" or "When I come back I'll be back for you". There are also many different variations of the species, something to look forward to.

    Hoping the fully grown would be the flowering Wild Carrot.

    Another flower with many different color variations. :love:

    P.S. Also, if anyone wants to try looking around Wikipedia for plants they like, there's a very helpful page listing plants by their common names in North America: [Link]

  • I don't know if this flower is requested, but i like it very much: orchid. especially Phalaenopsis. I've got a 3 year old one and it brings blossoms most of the year. At this time it has 5 inflorescences with about 20 blossoms. It blooms for weeks.
    Greetings, D'angelline

    Ich weiß nicht ob diese Blume gewünscht wird, aber ich mag sie sehr: Orchideen. Genauer die Phalaenopsis. Ich habe vor drei Jahren eine bekommen und sie blüht fast das ganze Jahr. Zur Zeit hat sie 5 Blütenstängel mit geschätzten 20 Blüten. Und sie blüht seit wochen.

    Lg, D'angelline

    Please help them grow!! :thumbsup

  • You already made a lot of suggestions, and i support almost every one them. But i am sorry, although i have come up with that one:
    Ihr habt bereits eine Menge Vorschläge gemacht, und ich unterstütze die meisten. Aber auch wenn es mir leid tut, ich muß leider hiermit ankommen.

    All we need is love... and some clicks! Thank you very much. :)

  • 8o SQUEEEEEEE!!!!

    oh YES, i'd love to see a bird of paradise here! they are one of my favorite flowers, and they remind me of my grandmother, who had a big one growing by here front porch. so did my parents, come to think of it. they are gorgeous, and so unusual, they would be a wonderful addition to the garden!

  • I noticed someone already suggested these, but I wanted to put more input on them. California poppies are very resilient plants, they prosper almost anywhere, especially in big fields or by the side of the highways here in California/North America. Seeing the flowers are a sure way to make plant lovers like my mother and I to smile, because certain places in California are like dry deserts and don't have very many plants.

    Not sure if this has been suggested already, etc. or not so I'll just post it. Personally, I see Forget-Me-Nots as a flower for lovers/friends/family. In stories they're usually given by a lover (who has to go on a long journey) to their lover, who won't be seeing them for a long time. They're a way of saying "I'm going, but don't forget me while I'm gone" or "When I come back I'll be back for you". There are also many different variations of the species, something to look forward to.

    Another flower with many different color variations. :love:

    Signed. Never heard of the poppies before, but they look great. I would like to add one of my favorite reginal flowers: Traubenhyanzinthe / Muscari

  • Signed. Never heard of the poppies before, but they look great. I would like to add one of my favorite reginal flowers: Traubenhyanzinthe / Muscari

    *Gasps* You've never seen California Poppies? My whole yard is full of them - they take over so quickly!
    I think I have some of what you call Muscari, too, except that I've only heard them called Grape Hyacinths. I'm all for both California Poppies and Grape Hyacinths/Muscari. They're both very nice plants, and they can survive the neglect that my yard usually gets. :P

    I speak English. I do not know how to speak German, so I use a translator. I am sorry if it's hard to understand the translation./ Ich spreche Englisch. Ich kann nicht Deutsch sprechen, also benutze ich einen Übersetzer. Es tut mir leid, wenn es schwierig ist, die Übersetzung zu verstehen.

  • I have never heard of the California Puppy as well, but that may be because I am from Germany, and they do not grow here ;)

    I wanted to suggest a few flowers/plants, but I do not really know the english name, or I think the english name is weird ( Schlüßelbume = Cowslip? That can not be, here they are even called "the key to heaven", they can not be the lip of a cow 8| ) so I will proceed in german.

    Ich wollte ein paar neue Pflanzen vorschlagen:

    1.) Schlüsselblume

    Einfach weil sie wunderschön sind und einer der klassischen Frühlingsblumen sind. Wie gesagt werden sie auch Himmelsschlüßel genannt.

    2.) Brennesseln

    Ich finde sie würden sich sehr gut zu dem Farn den wir schon haben machen. In jedem Garten wachsen Brennnesseln und Sonnenblumen :P

    3.) Flieder

    Es sind zwar Strauchpflanzen, aber sie duften herrlich und sehen wunderbar aus.

    4.) Schneeball

    Sie wachsen zwar auch im Strauch stehen bei uns aber in sehr vielen Gärten und sehen wunderschön aus, wenn sie in voller Blüte sind.

  • Was haltet ihr von Primeln (ich meine die Primula-Vulgaris-Hybride)? Die gibt es in vielen verschiedenen Farben und sie sind eine typische Blume zur Frühlingszeit. Zumindest bei uns in der Gegend gibt es sie schon überall zu kaufen. Sind ja auch eher für kühle Tage zu haben.

    Please help them grow!! :thumbsup

  • Malven (egal ob Becher- oder Trichtermalven) wären auch eine Idee. Meine im Garten sind sogar heil über den Winter gekommen und haben bis Mitte November geblüht!! Allerdings dachte ich immer Malven wären hohe Pflanzen, meine waren aber mehr Bodendecker als alles andre. :) Dafür schießt meine Brombeere weit in den Himmel. Sie ist schon am Balkon unseres Vermieters angekommen. ^^

    Please help them grow!! :thumbsup