Title kind of says it all - I noticed them in the wild garden today

Marvel Fern dropping
And breedable!
Yes, I just grabbed one from WG
Question on breeding Marvel Fern - it says high chance of breeding one when Male Fern x Marvel fern (during season), but I have done so the past 2 rounds and it's a ratio of about 3 male ferns to 1 marvel fern. I might get 2 if I'm lucky. Is this normal? I personally don't consider 25-50% chance "very high"
This last round I bred 5 I think before I got 1, so it was even worse odds.
Sadly - yes it seems to be pretty normal
I bred all mine and haven't got ANY of the breed-only ones, either, even though I did get some Marvels.
Thanks for the answer! Little disappointed they are so difficult to breed, but I guess it in a way its maybe a good thing. Keep us trying for something a bit more challenging to achieve.
Yes, its like that, thats why you should have a little more male fern to prepare it, I did that and know I'm missing only 2 marvel variants which I hope I will get them in rest of the plants in pots bbecause the breeding seems to be finished
Yes, its like that, thats why you should have a little more male fern to prepare it, I did that and know I'm missing only 2 marvel variants which I hope I will get them in rest of the plants in pots bbecause the breeding seems to be finished
Oh no, its over already? Little bit sad to see that, but I will definitely be more prepared next year, and gather up more male ferns. Overall I didn't do too bad, I have 3 variants left. If I remember correctly, they are all breed only, so I can at least focus on that, and won't need to collect from the wild garden.